My cat friend who is dead.

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Will POV

I walked to the infirmary, very aware of everyone watching me. They are judging you. Why do I have to be the new one to be "popular". Is it because I'm a (boy)friend of Nico? I arrivied at the infirmary and went to my office. My "healing" myself is to just eat ambrosa and hum a hymn to Apollo. A nap will help me heal, I thought. I climbed to the top of the infirmary in a cat form to make sure I wouldn't fall. I fell asleep shortly after.

~The Dream~

"Who are you?" I asked. The figure had a cat on his sholder.

"I am Bob. This is small Bob. He is a good monster. I have not seen demigods since my friends, Percy and Annabeth. Why are you here?" I trusted this guy, not becsuse he was friends of Percy and Annabeth, but because of his cat. You can trust people with cats. "Hi Bob, I'm Will. I like your cat. And I have to find my way home." Bob smiled "I help Will?" I returned the smile "How can I help you?" Bob seemed to think "I would like to see the starts again." I held out my hand "I'll help you, if you help me. Deal?" Bob shook my hand. "Deal." After a while of my new friend, Bob, leading me somewhere he asks
"Will?" "Yes?" "Are we friends?" "Best friends."  Small bob meowed "Me to?" I smiled (yes I can understand and speak cat.) I meowed "Of course."

~End of Dream ~

I woke up, and smiled. A real smile. I jumped down and ran to Annabeth and Percy. I was talking really fast. "HeyGuysIHaveAQuestion, WhoIsBobAndSmallBob?" Percy was frozen "Who?" I described small Bob and Bob. Percy started shaking and shouting with joy that his friend was alive. Between cries Annabeth said"Bob is Iapetus." Nico, Jason, and Piper came over to see what was going on but I couldn't wait I had to help my friends. I turned into a cat because I run faster with four legs. I ran to the library even though I left Annabeth sobbing in Percy's chest while he was shaking. I was having what my siblings call "Light Speed" and that's where a child of Apollo is really fast and outgoing. I started to feel bad so I changed course to the infirmary to get into my secrecy stash of candy and canned soda. I got some Diet Coke along with sour patched kids. I ran back to Percy's cabin and dyed the soda blue. I walked (Translation; Jogged) back to Percy and them. "SorryAboutThatIJustReallyNeededToKnowWhoHeWas." I gave Percy the soda and Annabeth the candy. Nico was the first to recover "Speak English Slowly." Whoops did I speak Greek? Maybe some other language. Kayla came over, laughing. "He did speak english, Nico." Everybody disagreed. "IDid!" Kayla agreed with me. "He's having a light speed. Its when Apollo's kids move really fast and can easily travel the speed of light, or in some rare cases, faster. Will is one of the people who can move faster." "Thats so cool!" Nico jumped up and down "Can you go get a......." Nico tried to think of something. "A picture of you and your mom!" Jason finished. Nico and Kayla wanted to protest but I was gone.

  ~Naomi's house~

I ran up to the door and knocked on the door. "Aren't you supposed to be dead?" My mother asked. I talked really slow, (AKA:Normal sounding) "Yeah but I came back! Can I have a picture?" I took out my Demigod safe phone and took a picture of me and my mom. But.. In the picture my mom punched me in the face, but I didn't care. I ran back to Jason. Kayla and Nico where in the middle of their "protest" when I came. "I will kill you if he comes back hurt." I heard Nico say when I came back. "ImBackSorryITookLongMyMomDidn'tWantToTakeAPictureButITookItAnyway."  I showed Jason the picture. "Where the **** does your mom live, William?" Nico asked and Kayla was giving Jason a death stare, which looked horrifying. "IGottaGoNicoLoveYaBye!" Kayla stopped and looked at me, then at Nico "What did you say Will!?!" Everyone was confused, except Nico and Kayla. Nico was almost as pink as a rose.  "WILLIAM WHAT DID YOU SAY?" Kayla tried to catch up to me but I was to fast. I ran back to the Library  and read everything I could about Tartarus and Bob, or Iapetus. That was about 2 chapters with my dyslexia.

I woke up as a cat. In Nico's cabin. "Percy and Jason still didnt realize your Will and Oscar, so they got this.. And they've been dying to see Oscar wear it so if you could wear it, it would be great, but if you dont want to its fine." Nico held a collar, one of those bow ties that were cool.

" Nico held a collar, one of those bow ties that were cool

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I noded, of course I would wear it. Nico put the collar on me. I started purring because he rubbed the back of my ear while he put the collar on. "I'm gonna take you to Jason And Percy. I think they are playing truth or dare." Nico told me. I nodded and followed Nico to Percy's cabin. The seven were there, minus  Frank and Leo. "Nico did you bring your cat?" I heard Hazel ask when Nico opened the door. I followed Nico in and I heard Jason and Percy celebrate. "Oscar let you put the collar on?" Percy asked, grinning like a fool. Nico rubbed the back of my ear and I started purring. "Aww" Piper sighed "Jason I want a cat."  Jason shook his head. "Dogs are Bette." I was offended. I walked up to him and smacked him in the face with my paw. "The cat is smarter than my Boyfriend!" Piper complained. "Oh! Nico, want to play truth or dare with us?" Annabeth invited. Nico shrugged "Sure."

  "Nico its your turn since you just joined."  Jason informed him. I was sitting next to Nico, purring. Nico smiled cutely at Percy. "Truth or dare Percy?" "Dare!" Nico took my bow tie/collar off and gave it to Percy. "I dare you to try to put on Oscar's collar." I understood that Nico was trying to involve me so I wasn't bored. "Come here, Oscar." Percy tried to get me to come over. I just looked at him. "Its OK, Oscar." Nico smiled, clearly enjoying this. I walked over to Percy. Percy tried to put the collar on me from the back but I bit it and played tug of war with it. Nico was on the floor laughing. "Give it to me Oscar!" I pulled more. "Its OK, Percy you tried." Annabeth tried to cheer him up. She took the collar and threw it back to Nico. I walked over to Nico and lowered my head to help him put on the collar. "Wha- Why- No!" Percy was shocked and everyone else  was laughing. "Nico can I pet Oscar?" Hazel asked. I walked over towards her and sat next to her. She was so careful not to hurt me. My eyes were closed and my paws under my body. I was purring, which put Hazel to sleep. "How does Oscar do that?" Jason asked. "Maybe if he sat next to you you'd find out. But you clearly don't like cats." Piper was still annoyed. I walked over to Jason and purred. He was out in five minutes.

  I dont remember going to the Apollo cabin but I woke up for a minute and had a dreamless sleep.

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