day 1 without will

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Nico POV
"Hey, Lou." Lou looked up, from her newest work in progress, a portal from CHB to CJ. "Heya Nico!" She stopped working to greet me. "I was thinking that we should play Mythomagic.." She laughed nervously "Im kinda a big fan." Lou added. "Your a fan? I'm a major fan!" I pulled out all my cards, (I keep them on me, for safety.) And all of them are in perfect condition.

We started playing for what felt like minutes, but when I looked at Lou's watch, it had been 3 hours. Eventually, I pulled out my Apollo card and defeated her last card, Poseidon. "GG, Nico. But I want a rematch." She laughed, I dont know why though. "Bring it on, Lou!" I smiled and played again. After another hour, I had Hades attack her card, Hera, and I won.

"Wow. Your good! How long have you been playing?" She was really interested in my game strategy. "Thanks, and I started playing when I was five." I remembered getting my first deck and I wasn't really interested. "I only just started playing, maybe about a month or so ago?" She shook her head, "No wonder why you won twice." I started to gather my cards "Well, most of the time I win in five minutes, so you are certainly better than anyone I played before." Lou smiled with pride, "What card do you think is the best to have?" Lou looked at her cards, to see what she had. "Well, I dont think that one card is good but you have to know when to play what card." She nodded, probably remembering that. "Also, I noticed that you play all of your playable cards at once. You shouldn't do that because once I kill all of those cards, I win." I finished. Lou smiled and started to hug me, but froze. "Sorry! I forgot, no touching." She started to sit down, and silently collect her cards. "I guess.. Your close enough to hug..." I grumbled. Lou shot up and hugged me. "Thank you!"

Hazel POV
When I saw Lou Ellen hugging Nico, I knew they had to be dating. I didnt know Nico was bi, but I don't care. When we got to Dinner, I took a place next to Percy, Annabeth, Piper, Jason, and Renya. "I think I know, but I didnt know Nico was bi.. But I saw him and Lou hugging." Percy laughed "N-" Before he could finish, Nico sat down at the Hades table, the table next to us. Immediately, Lou, the Stolls, Will (Right? His name is will?) Sat at Nico's table. Lou sat next to Nico- (Knew it!) Will sat next to the Stolls on the other side. "No, hazel, not her." Percy replied.

How?!?! They hugged!!

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