Boxers or Briefs?

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I place my steps carefully as I make my way up the porch, making sure I don't make the floor creak. I make my way towards a stair case that leads to a second floor. I carefully walk up the stairs, almost slipping every time I move.

I get to the top and somehow end up at a door, my curiosity already winning; I open the door.

"Holy shi-" I yell, throwing my hand over my mouth, there was no room, I was staring at the ground two stories high. that specific room, is no where in sight.

I quickly back pedal and shut the door, making my way to the next door, this time opening it more slowly. and thankfully it revels a real room, that looks like someone still lives in it. huh?

That's weird. Maybe a Homeless person lives here? Then why would Derek go here? I walk over to the dresser and open it up, socks?

"Okayyyy?" I question my self, sifting through the drawer. I close that one and make my way to the next one, which has t-shirts. all black, grey, and some rare dark greens or blue. I was making my way to the next drawer when I felt a moment of freedom, of weightlessness, but that only lasted seconds as I flew through the air, slamming against the wall, which immediately brought surges of pain.

"Fucker!" I mutter at the pain, dropping to the floor.
My shoulder is on fire! I wobble up and stare into those pale eyes of Derek.

"Your a whore" I mutter, not in a rude sense, I just have a bit, kinda, maybe of a swearing problem? But I do get a small smile to bubble up on his blank expression.

A small moan falls out of my mouth, pain erupting through my shoulder. My eyes squeeze shut, but only for a second, not letting Derek see me in pain, I jump into a question,

"So, you got a lot of mis matched socks" his eye brows scrunch up as he nods, clearly confused by what I said. I can imagine what he thinks of me after what I say next,

"Boxers or briefs?" now I got a full on smile playing upon his lips, which were perfect.

"What?" he questions

"I never got to that drawer, boxers or briefs? come on, dont be shy, I won't judge." I respond, stepping around him as I make my way down stairs.

He only laughs as he follows me. I can feel my shoulder sagging more and more down. it's definitely dis-located. My thoughts are only answered by Derek,

"Hey, what's wrong with your shoulder?"

"Genetic" might as well be vague.

"Really" he reaponds, not buying my lie for a second. then it hit me, what can he sense? what can he do? I turn my self around to face him.

"What's the deal?"

"Huh?" he asks, not understanding the question.

"The werewolfy thing. What can you do?"

"You mean my powers?" I nod my head, so he continues,
"Basically, everything's heightened; smell, hearing, sight, strength, stamina, I could go on"

"No, that's enough...for now"

Strength and stamina? Damn, that probably means he is amazing at sex, like a god or something. HAV! stop it! gross! That's so what your not supposed to think when you think that!

"You got off topic, shoulder? Was that me?" He asks, concern surfaces in his expression.

"Can you hear my heart beat?" I question, I do not want him hearing if I lie or not.

"Ya, why does it matter?"

"So you can hear me lie?"


"Oh God." I mutter, that isn't going to be good, then an idea popped into my head

"Can, practice so you can't?"

Derek gives me a smirk which I bet is famous or something and says

"Ya, all you have to do is control your breathing and that controls your hear rate. But it's really hard to do" he adds which deflates My hope.

"Ask me something"

"Okay, Why did you follow me?"

"I didn't" I breath in and out even, trying to cover up the obvious lie.

"Damn, that was perfect, not one little hitch, are you a hunter or something?"

"No, but isn't that what Allison is?"

He snorts, looking at me like I'm the first person he saw all week that makes sense.

"Your the first person who actually thinks straight"

"What?" I question

"Stiles and Scott both deny that Allison isn't a saint, and there's no way she could be involved with any sort of bad."

"That's why stiles is the stupider least street smart wise" I smile, stiles is actually way smarter then me, he gets A's and maybe the occasional B for poor behavior while I got usually one C and the rest D's.

"Anyways, iv met Allison's mom, fuckin scary"

Derek laughs, hopefully he's forgotten about the shoulder, I'll just ask Scott's mom to pop it back in for me.

"Let me see your shoulder, come here" I guess not

"It's fine"

"So stubborn"


He gives me a level look, like I'm the child and he's the punisher.

"Come here HAV"

"Ugh, fine"

I walk over to him, wondering what he expects to do. he touches my shoulder, walks around me like I'm his prey, then looks back at me.

"Close your eyes" he commands


"Just do it"

I comply, and the next thin I know there's a hot pain shooting through my shoulder, then....nothing.

"Mother fu-" Derek covers my mouth so I don't finish the sentence.

"What'd you do?"

"Popped it back into place"

"Are you a doctor"


"So for all you know you could have fucked it up even more" I ask with a smile


"Great" my sarcastic peaks at that moment

"Well, not that this hasn't been exciting, but I gotta head home, peace out werewolf." I walk out of the house, putting my other earphone in listening to Luke Bryan play it again.

"Don't come back here HAV, it's dangerous" Derek yells

"Not a chance wolf" I yell back as I make my way into the forest.


Sorry kind of a filler chapter:/




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