Hand cuffs, and not the kinky kind

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I run down the dirt trail, covered in blood from head to toe. My feet scrap against the tree I try to scamper up in a hurry, my skin digging into the bark. I have to move faster! I scream at myself, urging my mangled body to obey, but I might as well have told my self to spread my arms and fly.

I reach for the next branch, but miss drastically, I plummet to the forest floor, landing on the ground with a painful thump. I snap my eyes back open that were naturally squeezed shut as I fell through the open air, I see Peter, Kate and 4 other unrecognizable people all circling me.

"It's because of you Havoc." They all chant at once.

"This is all your fault Havoc."

"Why did you do this to us Havoc."



"Havoc." They repeat once again.




I jump up, this time surrounded by dark green walls, both Derek and Stiles cowering over me. Derek has his hand on my shoulder.

"What?" I ask, looking around, clearly dazed.

"You wouldn't wake up." Stiles explains, the anger from last time I talked to him seems to have vanished. The reason for his anger seems to have escaped my mind at the moment though. I don't respond, just blink my eyes a few more times before getting up. I barely hold my own weight before I crash to the floor, fortunately I'm in a room with a werewolf, who has a rather fast reaction time. He hooks his arms under mine, pulling me back up. 

"I was about to say not to try and get up, but..." He gives me a smile before setting me back on the bed, I look down and my clothes, or someones clothes. I'm wearing a big grey t-shirt, much to large for it to be mine. One of them realized my confusion.

"It's Derek's, you, uh, you fainted after Peter died..."  Stiles again explains to me the situation at hand. Fainted? I don't remember fainting.

"Right, after...Peter died." I nod my head before shaking my head in disagreement, "And how did that happen again?" Stiles hangs his head followed by a groan.

"What?" Whats wrong with him? Did Lydia turn him down again or something?

"Your memory problems are giving me whiplash." With that he turns and heads down stairs, here's some relevant information: We are in Derek's old house.

"HAV, Peter, and Kate died, killed actually, just like you predicted. I'm the Alpha. You were right. Everyone's... upset at them selves for thinking otherwise of you." I force my eyes shut, trying to remember what hes telling me. Snippets keep flashing through my mind, fire.

"What part did fire have in this whole ordeal?" Derek grimaces before taking my hand and lifting it up for me to see. Burn marks poison my once smooth skin, its like seeing this was a key, everything comes back at once. I jumped on Peter, so he would catch on fire. I laugh, damn, I must have not been thinking rationally.

"What?" Derek asks, not knowing why I'm giggling after he just revealed that my arm now looks like a hot dog overcooked.

"Nothing, but I remember."

"All of it?"

"Enough to know that I'm a fricken bad ass." He cranks his head back and lets out a chuckle.

"Your amazing, you know that?" He looks back at me, I notice how his eyes glimmer when the sun hits it, almost like the ocean when the waves crash.

"What?" He asks again, a smile edging onto his lips.


"Wanna talk about it?" He asks, but I just shake my head.

"There's only one thing I want to do." I tilt my head to the side, not hiding my grin as I lean in. Luckily he does too, so I know this feeling is not one sided. My lips contact with his, he pushes against mine more urgently then I would of thought.

He pushes me back to a lying position on the bed. Hovering over me, one hand cupping my cheek. His lips wonder to my neck as I fiddle with his shirt. Suddenly his hands move winkingly fast, and I feel cold metal pressing against my wrist, I try to pull it away but something stops me. Derek lands one more kiss on my neck before hoping off. Hand cuff key in hand.

"What are you doing?" I exclaim, pulling my hand against the cuff that's attached to the side of the bed frame.

"I'm sorry HAV but I need to know what you are." 

"We need to know what you are." Mr. Argent corrects, coming through the door, holding two large black duffle bags.

What. The. Hell!?


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