School slut

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I jump out of the car and walk towards Derek and the idiotic boys, still humming Gold trans am by Ke$ha.

"Why'd you text me?" I ask my brother as I trudge up to them.

"What are you talking about? I never texted you anything." he snaps back.

"Don't bullshit me stiles I have your text right here," I throw my phone at him, already opened to his text message.

"Well, I never sent this...."

"Then who....the alpha!" I shout, coming to a light bulb idea.

"What?" Derek asks, finally interested in our conversation.

"Think about it, Stiles didn't send me the text, and why are you here?" I look at Derek

"Because I think Scott's boss is the alpha" he points towards an empty trunk.

"Uh, one, no way is sweet old Deaton the killer alpha and two, no ones in your trunk." I say, making Derek's eyes snap towards the trunk.

"And three, this just proves my point," I continue

"The alpha got all of us here."

"But for what?" Scott butts in,

"Now isn't that the million dollar question Scotty-" I started my sarcastic ways, but was interrupted by Derek's moans and coughs from being lifted into the air and thrown to the side by an enormous beast.

The Alpha

Scott and Stiles turn and run, but I stare at Derek's Unmoving chest, we can't just leave him here, defenseless.

The alpha glares back at me with lust filled eyes, only it was a lust to kill.

I sprint my way to Derek, at first trying to drag him towards the school, but after I realize that I'm not strong enough and that the alpha is advancing towards me with his long strides, I grab my iPod and and tuck it in Derek's pocket. Seeing how his is cracked into a million pieces. So, hopefully when...if....he heals he can call my iphone, and I could maybe help him recover.

It's a lot of maybes, but it's gonna have to do for now. The alpha is basically on top of me as I give Derek a peck on the cheek and sprint my little ass to the school doors, which are still open, with stiles and Scott cussing at me to get in.

I sprint past them, running Into coaches class room. I hear Scott and stiles running closer and slamming the door shut, moving desks in front of the door, trying to keep it shut. I make my way towards the blinds, about to close them when I notice something odd about my car.

"Stiles!!" I scream at him, they both scramble towards me, expecting the worst.

"What what?!?!" he yells back.

"Our battery is missing!" I scream pointing at our jeep.

"How-" stiles is interrupted by all the windows shattering and raining down on us, cutting through our skin.

I react the fastest,

"Run!!" I scream, seeing stiles trip over his own feet a he makes his way towards the next class room.


We all scramble in and slam the doors, finding the class room to be the chemistry one, and thankfully having no windows. Bust sadly the small victory ends as fast as it occurred.

"Beep beep.....beep beep" a cell phone echos through the halls.

"Wait, I know that ring....its Allison!" Scott yells, basically growls, running out the back door, only to come back moments later with Lydia, Allison, and...... Jackson.

Fuck. My. Life.


As soon as my eyes land on Jackson I mentally slap him..multiple times.

You see, I might be considered the "school slut" at least I used to be. And Jackson always wanted to get in my pants, but he was still dating lydia, and being a nice best friend, I would never cheat with her boyfriend. And although I have made that quite clear with Jackson, he doesn't seem to care. Even if Lydia is standing right next to him.

The moment he sees me he looks me up and down, smiling slightly and gives me a wink.


I walk straight past him, rolling my eyes, and head straight to Lydia and Allsion.

"What are you guys doing here?" I ask, giving both if them a hug.

"Well, we were having that sleepover we invited you to," Lydia pauses to give me a glare for not coming,

"But Scott texted Allison to drop by the school, so we complied." She finishes, re-focusing her glare from me to scott.

"What? I never sent you a text." he immediately responds, worry growing on his face every moment.

"Ya you did, look" she replies, showing him the text.

Scott shakes his head lightly, before he realizes what it all means, and what it might result to,

Allison finding out

And no one wants that.

"So why the hell am I here McCall?" Jackson demands.

And that's when my idiotic twin butts in and ruins everything, as soon as he talks everyone's eyes snap towards him, like they didn't know he was there in the first place.

All I hear is killer...blah blah... but then one sentence catches my ear,

"Derek hale is the killer."

"What?!" I jump up and give a death stare to my brother. But once I see Scott's expression I play off I my words,

"I never knew that there was explosive chemicals in here!" I fake screech., fumbling my way over to the locked cabinets with bottles lined up in them.

Everyone stares at me like I'm crazy...which would be somewhat correct.

And of course Jackson follows me as everyone resumes talking.

"So, HAV, what's goin on nowadays?" he questions, getting a little to close to me for my taste.

"Not you" I snap back, picking the lock to the cabinets, reveling different color beakers.

"Mhm, we could always change that." he leans down and whispers in my ear, giving my side a tight squeeze.

"Rain check, bud" I reply, walking back to the group, who were all talking about Scott going out and looking for the "killer" alone, and how Allison hates it.

"Well, if he does that, I'll go with him too." I mention, not really wanting their opinion, I already made up my mind.

"But-" stiles began but I cut him off

"No, going, besides, I'm smarter then scott."

"No your not, you get terrible grades!" stiles yells back at my retreating figure.

That's only cause I don't try!" I snap back at my brother.

"Whatever! if you two are going out there then let's at least give you a weapon." Lydia informs us, looking towards the chemical cabinet.


She tells Jackson to grab her the ones she needs, as he does the same to me while I make the second batch of the highly flammable chemical reaction.

"Be carefull" the all tell us as we walk out the door, only Jackson gives me a kissy face. I swear, he's the reason why I'm sarcastic.

I make my last step out the door before I hear the most terrifying growl iv ever heard.


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