Double Trouble

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"Get off of me you ass!" I scream out, kicking and scratching at Peters face. He only laughs at my attempts to break free from his grip.

"What? Can't do your little magic voodoo on me again?" He throws me back against the wall and attacks me with his horny little ass, his lips pressed firmly against mine. I gasp for air, but not enough to satisfy my needs before he basically swallows my mouth again.

"Stop!" I cry out as he pins his arms against my own, leaving me helpless and weak.

He growls in response and I can feel the sharp points of his fangs slide across my shoulder.

"You wouldn't..." I whisper, he leans in next to my ear and tickles my ear with his breath,

"And what makes you think that?"

"Because...Your curious, you want to know whats different about me, first time I met Derek he thought I was a werewolf since i smelt like one, but you don't know why that is....and-and what happened in the hospital! We both have no idea where i got that from... So your curious, you wont change me yet." I ramble on, but as I continue to tell him that Im right, I actually start to believe it. That was my fatal mistake.

Derek Pov:

We've been searching for hours, and soon it will be sun down and we'll have to stop. Don't get me wrong, I wish we could look high and low for HAV but tonights the full moon, Scott still hasn't got his shift under control, so Im going to have to watch.

But I know I will have the empty pit in my stomach the whole night, even if Im helping Scott, HAV could be getting tortured by Peter... or worse... but i don't want to think about that so I push it out of my mind as fast as it came.

HAV Pov:

"Your right about me wanting to know," Peter tells me, letting me finally release the air I'v been holding in.

"But I think I can risk turning you." His mouth immediately lowers, right about where my collarbone is, then he bits down hard.

Derek Pov:

4 hours later

"Scott breath, in and out, in and out. Think of anything, any one. Your mom, Stiles... Allison." I force the last name out of my lips regretfully, but I know it will help him calm down, which is kind of ironic since she's the one who's probably going to end up putting the bullet in him.

His breathing slows, and his eyes shift back to his normal chocolate brown, along with his fangs.

"We should be good tonight, but just in case, lets bunker down, wait the moon out." I tell him, being safe, no need to have someones head get ripped off tonight.

"What about HAV?" He asks, obviously worried about one of his best friends.

"She'll be fine, Peter needs her as leverage, he wouldn't hurt her." I completely agree with what I just said, as I'v thought about it all tonight, my uncle may be a pain in my ass, but he's not dumb, He knows if he did anything to her, I'd kill him.

"Ahooooooooooo" We booth snap our heads toward the window, my eyes going a steel blue, as Scotts turn a bright gold.

"What was that?!" Scott demands, although i think he knows the answer,

"Peters my guess... So probably a dead body." I mumble

"We need to go, stop him and get HAV. Okay?" As he sees my disapproval he adds more to convince me,

"Oh come on Derek, I'm not going to turn! Its already been my 5th full moon, your just paranoid!" When I finally nod my head in agreement, he calls Stiles up to meet us here, before we go see what trouble Peter has stirred up.


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