Three things cant be hidden for long: the sun, the moon, the truth

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"Derek!" I cry out, running up the creaky stairs of the burnt down house.

"Derek?!" Where is he? He has to be here. It's not like there's so many rooms in this place he could be, they're all burnt down. One doesn't even have a room attached to it. I remember the first time I followed Derek here, I almost fell from a two story house.

Then I have an idea, I run up to the same door, opening it up and seeing the leaves and dirt bellow me. This is a dream, all I have to do is wake up, and what better way to do that then jumping off the side of a house?

I take one step forward, one foot dangling out in the open, then I jump feeling the air whooshing against my face, but something catches on my arm, abruptly stopping me from waking up from this nightmare. I look up to see dream Derek latching his hand on my wrist.

"Let me go!" I yell at him, thrashing around, hoping his grip will waver and he will drop me.

"What are you doing?! If you actually made it to the ground and landed wrong you would have died!" He screams at me, the veins on the side of his neck bulging out.

"It's a dream! I need to wake up!" He looks at me like I've grown three heads, which I totally might have, it is a dream afterall. He pulls me up, setting me on my feet, shutting the door but still not loosening his grip on my shoulders.

"This isn't a dream HAV, why would you even think that?"

"Stiles says a killed people! But that-that can't be true! I would never..." I look up to his face, my cheeks coated with tears. his expression is almost painful.

"Havoc, you... you weren't yourself, you didn't know what you were doing-"

"No! Why does everyone lie to me! I'm not a killer and I'm not crazy!" I scream at him, pushing him back, running down the stairs.

"HAV! Come back! Let me explain!" Derek's voice yells, echoing through the forest. I continue to run, but trip on a root, falling to the ground. But I don't get up, my tears soak the forest floor. Derek eventually finds me curled up in a ball, all the tears staining my cheeks, but they're all gone. No more tears.

Derek holds me in his arms.

"It's a full moon tonight. So I'm going to chain you up, not let you do anything else. Okay?" I nod my head, closing my eyes.


It's already night fall, and Derek already has me chained in his basement. No ones with me right now but I keep hearing yells and screams above me so someone or something is up there.

"DEREK!!! WHERE ARE YOU!" My only response is another thumping noise.

"ANYBODY!! WHATS HAPPENING!" My voice is already scratchy from the past hour of screaming I've been doing. Another scream echoes to my ears, and I know that scream: Allison.

"ALLISON!!" I don't expect a response but I still yell for her, I can't let her get hurt.

I yank at the chains, I need to help! One breaks lose, and with one final pull the other ones snap as well. I sprint up the stairs, and run out the Hales door, ignoring a body sprawled across the floor, she is definitely dead.

A giant wolf is on all fours holding a bottle of liquid. I've seen this happen before. It's the chemical reaction Stiles thought of! It just needs to be broken.

I dash off of the deck, leaping onto Peters back, he tries to shake me off but I go for the bottle. Despite all the yells and what I know will happen if I break the bottle near me, I do it anyways. I wrap my hands around the bottle, crushing the glass beneath my grasp.

My hand goes up in flames but so does the alphas whole body. I jump off, watching Peter frail around trying to get the fire to go out, but I know it won't, I already know what will happen next.

I beat my hand on the ground, making the fire go out. I have better luck then Peter. His body is on the floor, back into his human form, barely alive. I look around, finally seeing Derek.

Do it.

I mouth to him, stopping him from walking to me. And you know what happens next.

Derek becomes the Alpha.

Kate's dead

Peter's dead

Scott's mad

I murdered four people

But I'm right

I'm not crazy


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