Sluts, Whores, Wait, Don't Forget About Havoc

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I strip down, changing the dress for some shorts. No need to give my dad a heart attack.

It won't matter soon, changing when I get back from school. I plan in moving out, no need to stay here if I'm not even family, right? I already have a few suitcases packed, now I just need to find a place to rent. Which, believe it or not, is the hardest part. Finding a decent hotel in tiny Beacon Hills, is hard enough, now add being the Sheriffs 'Daughter' Where everyone fucken knows you so they wonder why you're looking for a house, and then the news that you are looking for a place gets back to your dad! Can't you see the complications? Why can't people mind their own damn business?

I growl out in frustrarion when I think of this, I could move out of Beacon Hills... but that just doesnt seem fair, I havee friends here. And maybe my parents are here. If I plan on finding them, might as well start here.

I log into my computer and start to type in my real last name.

Bang Bang.

I swivel my chair around to my window, which a shadow accompanies. I roll my eyes, not really in the mood for the old brute. I shoo my hands at him, singling for him to go away, but he doesn't take the hint. I groan and walk towards the window, sliding it open for him.

"What do you want Derek?" He looks at me with a blank look.

"Can I come in?"

"No." He gives me a pointed look and I roll my eyes, moving to the side for him. He climbs through and walks around my room.

"Stiles told me what happened in school today." Is that supposed to matter?

"I repeat, what do you want Derek?"

"Why did you do it." He doesn't answer my question.

"Do what? Wear a dress? Well you're right, I happened to wear one today." I give him a smile and go sit down on my desk chair, crossing my legs and flipping my hair with a smile. He doesn't look amused.

"What Der-Bear? Don't like me anymore?" He scans my body, lingering on my face, which is painted on with makeup.

"This isn't you." I laugh at him.

"You sure about that Der? You never knew me before I went through a 'Rehab'." I put quotations are rehab, he looks at me with the closet Derek can get to confusion.

'What are you talking about?" I walk up to him and run my fingers down his chest.

"I used to be the bad girl. Everyone wanted a piece of this. So I'm just letting them have it again. Why not, right?" He grabs my hand, stopping me from going any farther.

"Old habits die hard." I smirk at him and lean in.

"Or they thrive." I lean in a bit more an touch my lips to Derek's. I get one kiss in before he pushes me back.

"You need to stop." He orders me, pushing me away. My smile fades and I roll my eyes once again.

"You need to leave." I spit, turning away from him, but he catches my arm.

"What did you mean." I let out a huff of air.


"What you said to Stiles, that all the girl stlinskis are dead, what did you mean by that?''

"You need to leave." I tug my arm out of his grip and walk away, but he only follows.

"Who's Kelster?" He asks, peering at my computer screen.

"No one you know, nor of your business. So leave... Now." He looks at me with hurt, but it doesn't faze me.

"Derek, get out or Ill start screaming." His shoulders sag and he walks back to the window, he pauses and turns around before jumping out.

"This conversation isn't over."


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2014 ⏰

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