A Creature of Habit

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^^^Not the face tho just outfit^^^

Your not you, your not a sister, your not a daughter. Your pathetic. A mindless Slut. Slut! That's what you are, the only thing you are. Your not even a Stilinski. You don't have a family, you don't belong any where-

"SHUT UP!" I lurch forward from my bed, my blankets fall to the ground in a heap. A thin layer of sweat covers my forehead, evidence to the last nightmare that just occurred. Ever since I saw the papers that revealed the truth, I haven't slept all that well. I saw the file Friday night, its Monday morning. 3:21 to be exact, school starts in 5 hours and I have to go. My 'Dad' said so, he lied to me straight to my face.


"I don't want to go to school, cant I just stay home one more day?" I begged of him. His face reddened and he yelled back.

"No, you've already missed a week, your going!"


"Havoc Stilinski, I am your father and you do as I say!" That was before I knew the truth.


The, 'I am your father, and the Havoc Stilinski', was total BS. I'm not a Stilinski... I'm not any one. Not a twin, Not a damn thing.

The next time I look at my clock its already 7:10, and time to get ready. I rise from my bed and look at my closet.

I finally come to peace that my whole life is a lie, so I might as well stop being the reformed Havoc Stilinski. I pull out a certain outfit that no one but me would ever dare to wear in public. I put it on and look at myself in the mirror. I out did myself. I smirk at the red dress that cuts very low in the front, showing off most of my features. I slip on my black high top converse, over do my make up and curl my hair. Back to the Slut, my friends. 

And I head to school.


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Sorry!! School got in the way lol. 

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