Back in Black

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I saunter through the doors of highschool, all eyes snapping to me. Oh how I missed those looks, the looks of surprise, lust and anything else all mixed into one stare. My feet slap against the ground as I make my way to the locker 8121 and shove my books into it, grabbing the few I need. I turn to see Jackson. He and his group of friends stare, no longer talking. Jackson's eyes don't look away once, perfect timing.

I strut towards him, locking my eyes to his. I don't look away as I intrude their circle, walking straight through with a playful smile on my lips. Jackson takes my unnoticed invitation, excusing himself from his friends and following me down the hall. Lydia and him are officially on a break, hope she doesn't mind.

I turn the handle of the abandoned classroom of Beacon Hills, no class has ever taken place in it except for the occasional detention. I flip the shades down, making the room darken and sit on the desk, waiting for Jackson, who comes in shortly after myself. He locks the door before turning to me.banded

"What changed?" His voice interrupts the silence, I didn't expect him to ask any question.

"Hope you don't mind skipping first period." I tell him, not answering his question. I hop off the desk and his lips twitch up in a smile. Of course he doesn't.

I lean against the door and wait for him to make the first move.

His patience must have snapped, he rushes towards me and slams me against the wall, slipping his hand behind my neck and pushing my lips into his. His other hand loops around my waist pulling closer. I jump up and twist my legs against his back, I can already feel him through his jeans. 

His hand on my neck also wraps around my waist as he moves and sets me on what would be the teachers desk. Is tongue is already playing with my own and he moves his hand against the opening in my dress, and slides up to my breast, clutching on in his hand. I moan slightly as I take off his shirt, to reveal basically a 10 pack. I move my head down and hook his pants button between my teeth, unhooking it with no difficulty. I've become good at that trick, I've had a lot of practice. I shove off the rest of his jeans, and my dress goes off almost immediately afterwards. 

Bra's, underwear and boxers fly off fast enough and he pushes into me without hesitation. I do my work quickly, knowing what to do to make a guy hit his high fastest. Soon enough it comes and he's out. He lays there with satisfaction as I get dressed. I'm already ready while he is just getting his boxers back on.

"We should do this again." I smirk at him as I slip out the door.


Its already lunch and Stiles and Scott have yet to see me, but I know that wont last. The buzz around the school works fast, he should probably already know that I'm half naked. I grab my lunch out of my locker, and just as I predicted, Stiles is rushing towards me like a fret train. I look at him innocently, not matching his angered  one. As soon as he gets to me, he pulls at my wrist and yanks me into an empty class room.

"What the actual hell HAV!?"

"Houston we have a problem!" I laugh, rolling my eyes at him as his anger escalates.

"Havoc! Jeep now!"

"Or what?" I snap, not planning on obeying him. He looks at me with confusion.

"What are you doing HAV? I thought you were done with this!" He waves at my out fit.

"Ya, well I thought I was something else too, I was wrong."

"What are you talking about!?" He snaps back, getting frustrated and impatient with me.

"You don't know?"

"Know what?"

"Well, it turns out all of the female Stilnski's are dead." I fake a smile at him before walking out.


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