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I woke up the next day and turned to look at Anna, but to my surprise she wasnt there. I got up to check the washroom and shes not there. I ran downstairs to look everywhere and shes no where to be found. Then i checked the backyard and shes sitting on those tanning chairs tanning. She was in her bikini so i didnt want to make her feel uncomfortable so i yelled from a far.

"YA! What are you doing?" I yelled.

"OMO! YOUR AWAKE?! DONT LOOK AT ME YOU PERVERT! I THOUGHT YOU WERE SLEEPING SO I WENT TO TAN" She yelled back wrapping herself in a towel. She still has her cast on so she lost her balance and fell to the ground. I quickly ran to her to help her up.

"Ahhhhh i hate this stupid cast! I cant wait til i can take it off!" she yelled.

I helped her inside the house and brought her upstairs so she can go change into normal clothes.

"Umm Jackson, can you leave the room so i can change you weirdo pervert.." She asked shyly.

"Ya, im not a pervert. And first of all this is my room, so i can stay if i want to. >:)" I smirked at her.

"Fine i'll go to the washroom" She blushed and walked away.

------------------------FAST FORWARD TO WHEN ANNA GETS HER CAST OFF------------------


OMO today i get my cast off and i couldnt be more excited. Jacksons driving me to the doctors so i can finally get this heavy thing off. Hes been so nice to me lately and i dont know why. Before he was just a rude jerk who wanted attenion. But now he does everything for me. He even cooks and cleans around the house unlike before.

After we were done at the doctors office we drove back home and i can finally walk properly! I ran to the door but Jackson stopped me.

"Wait here, dont come in until i say so" He said then ran inside leaving me standing there at the door.

I waited for what felt like 20 mins so i just decided to walk in the house. To my surprise when i walked in the house was dark and there was candles lit. I looked down and there was rose peddles leading me to the kitchen. I followed them and i saw Jackson preparing some food.

"Ya, i told you wait until i say to come in." he yelled.

"I was bored and you were taking so long" i yelled back

"But you ruined the surprise!" he sounded said. Maybe i did ruin the surprise but this was still nice of him to do.

"Jackson, this was such a lovely idea. Whats the ocasion though?" i asked.

"Nothing, i just wanted to make you feel special" he said . "Come sit, the food it done now, i hope you like pasta."

"Pasta's my fav, how did you know?" i asked

"I know everything." he said.

"Yeah right, but this is really nice of you. I never had a guy do something like this for me before. Thank you." i said.


I wanted to do all this for her because today i wanted to confess my feelings for her. Im really nervous. I hope she feels the same way but i dont know. She always seems so distant from me and we're always yelling at each other. But we do sound like an old married couple.

"Anna, i have something to say." I said nervously.

"yeah, what is it?" She asked with a mouth full of pasta.

She has pasta sauce of her lips so i leaned over to her and wiped it off. She looked at me with her beautiful eyes and i couldnt help it. I kissed her lips softly. And to my surprise she kissed back. I broke the kiss and said "Anna, I love you.. Will you be my girlfriend?"


I was sitting there enjoying my pasta. It was actually really good, i give him props for this. Jackson didnt really touch his food that much. He looked really nervous and was really quiet.

After for about what seemed like ever, Jackson broke the silence.

"Anna, i have something to say." He asked.

"Yeah, what is it?" i said back to him. He leaned to me and wiped something off my lip. OMO i had food on my face this whole time! How embarassing. I just looked at Jackson, I was so embarassed i couldnt even find the words to say thank you. He just looked at me with fire in his eyes. He did the unexpected and kissed me. I never felt like this before, my stomach has so much butterflies. I kissed back, it felt right. I knew right there that i loved him. Jackson broke the kiss and said "Anna, I love you.. Will you be my girlfriend?" he asked. I was shocked, i didnt expect him to ask me that. I didnt even know he felt the same as me. I was so happy i didnt say anything which made him confused.

"I knew it.. you dont feel the same about me the way i do for you.." He said sounding really sad.

"Jackson, i love you to and yes i will be your girlfriend!" I said.

We both got up at the same time and hugged each other. This is what it feels like to be in love. Its such a special feeling.


Btw i dont know if im going to continue this story because i dont know if anyone is even enjoying this. if you want me to continue just leave a little comment of like my story please and thank you. Have a nice day everyone!


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