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Im freaking out, i cant do this. What if something goes wrong. What if he doesnt love me anymore. I really dont know if i can do this. I need to see him, i need to make sure this is what he wants. I just love him so much.

"Natalie, Jenna! Im freaking out, i dont know if i can do this. What if he doesnt really love me? please i need to go see him just for 5 mins.." I started panicking. Tears falling from my eyes, my hair and make-up isnt even done. Some of my family arent even here yet. This is all a mess!

"No, you cant see him until you walk down the aisle, its bad luck if you see him before." Jenna said while trying to calm me down.

"You really beleive that shit? because i dont, just let her see her man for 5 mins Jenna." Natalie said and walked me to Jacksons room were all the boys were getting ready.

*knock knock*

The door opened and it was JB. He looked shocked. "What are you doing Anna, you cant see him yet. its bad luck" he said.

"Please, im freaking out.. i dont know what else to do. i just need to hear his voice and telling me its going to be ok." i said with tears slowly forming in my eyes.

Jb shut the door and opened it agian, this time all the boys walked out.

I walked into the room and i didnt see Jackson.

"Im in the bathroom, i dont want bad luck babe so i'll talk to you like this." Jackson said.

"Jackson, tell me its going to be ok. I need to know. im freaking out. Is this what you really want?" I said while sitting by the door waiting for an answer.

"Yes, this is what i really want. I want to spend forever with you. I promise everything will be ok. I love you, I cant wait to be married to you" He said to re assure me.

"I love you to, i think im ok now. Im going to leave so we can finally get marrried." I said.

"I love you to, now go get ready my beautiful bride" Jackson said.

I looked down and i can see his fingers under the door, i touched them and it made me feel ok. Its crazy how just the smallest touch of him makes me feel all better. Thats how you know what love is. I love him and im going to marry him.

I finished getting ready and so did everyone else. Everyone looks beautiful. Finally it was time to walk down the aisle to marry the man of my dreams.


The music was playing, and it was time. Time to finally see the love of my life. I cant wait to be married to her.

The door opened and in walked her brides maids Natalie and Jenna. I looked down because i was nervous and when i looked back up i saw her. She was the most beautiful girl i have ever seen in my life, her arms were linked with both her mother and father. She couldnt choose just one, because she felt like both deserved to walk her.

When the three of them both got to the front her parents hugged me and whispered we love you both very much. And i said it back to them. I turned to take Annas hand and i mouthed i love you and she did the same.

"Do you Jackson Wang, take Anna Park as you wife, to have and to hold forever hold your peace?" The pastor said.

"I do" I said.

"Do you Anna Park, take Jackson Wang to be your husband, to have and to hold forever hold your peace?" The pastor said agian.

"I do" She said and smiled so brightly at me.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. Everyone please welcome today Mr and Mrs Wang. You may now kiss the bride" The pastor said.

I took Annas hand and she hugged me and i finally got to kiss my beautiful wife.

The wedding went on all night and it was so much fun. Everyone was drinking and having a good time. It was now speech time and Mark stood up

"I would like to make a toast to this awesome couple" Mark said, oh god he's drunk -_-' that means hes going to say something stupid or do something stupid.

"You gon get it girl, ima pretty boy

Quit playin hard to get you’ll never find a better boy

So come along with me if you wanna do it right

Cause I can show you how to have a good time, all night

So tell me whatch think, doesn’t it sound nice?

So follow follow me if you want that good life" Mark rapped, and everyone was laughing there butts off, how does he come up with all these weird things. I looked at Natalie and she was laughing at him but it looked like she was also embarassed by his acts. She hit his butt and he starting rapping agian.

"Yo , jackson man lets see you beat that. Rap to your new wife." Mark suggets. Im not going to lie i can rap but Mark is better than me so i dont want to embarass myself.

" Naa, man i'll pass" i said

"Come on hubby, rap for me!" Anna said. Omo why is she doing this to me, i dont want to embarass my self.

"Now let’s forget about all the Trauma

Will try to make you my queen just like stories in the Drama

Just don’t know who will come up ain’t no body

Who would come pop in to my mind better be somebody special to me

Stand by me girl even though ima bad boy

Baby girl be my only only good girl" I starting rapping and Anna got up and danced beside me.

" I'll stand by you even though your a bad boy, and i'll be your one and only only good girl." Anna tried to rap.

Everyone laughed and starting singing and dancing all together. Now i know why she wanted to to rap, its not to embarass me but its to get everyone else to have a good time all together.

The wedding night was over and I was exhausted. Anna and i were both in the limo on our way home. I looked at my wife and she fast asleep in my arms, i think she drank to much because Mark and Jb kept giving her shots. Im going to kill them next time i see them haha. They gave me shots too but i know how to handle it.

 I still cant beleive that im married. I know were both to young but it doesnt matter. Who said there was an age to love? Who said there was an age to get married? Theres no age for either.. Its a feeling, my feelings towards this women will never change. I want to grow old with her and start a family.

We arrived home and i slowly shook Anna. "Hey, we're home" i whisper and kissed her cheek.

"Carry me inside, im tired and drunk. pleeeease." She whined

I picked her up bridal style and walked inside. No'ones home because i wanted our first night together alone as husband and wife. I walked upstairs and put her down on the bed.

"Im going to change be right back." I said while grabbing my clothes and going to the bathroom.

"Hunny, you can change in front of me. Im your wife now" She stopped me by grabbing my hand and kissed me.

"What are you up to Mrs.Wang" I said and winked while kissing her.

"umm nothing" She said and smiled.

She changed into he sleeping clothes and climbed into bed.I grabbed her and starting kissing her.

"Do you trust me?" I said and she nodded in return.

HELLO MY BEAUTIFUL AWESOME READERS! Hows the story so far? is it good? is it boring? lemme know my leaving a comment please i have lots more ideas coming at you so stay tuned. Next chapter will be up tomorrow! Love y'all


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