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I watched my wife walk out the door and i froze. My mind went blank when she said all those things to me. She was right, i couldn't take care of our family. If i could everything would be ok and its not..

I didn't chase after her because i knew she was right. I also needed to give her space because i know thats what she wants.


I knocked on Natalie's and Marks apartment door and they opened it.

"Anna, what are you doing here? Did they find Nathan yet?" Natalie asked with a curious face.

I didn't say anything, instead i cried and fell to the ground.

"Ya! Anna get up!? It'll be ok, they'll find him. Mark help me!" Natalie said while trying to help me up.

"What happened?!" Mark said.

"I dont know, she just knocked on the door and started to cry and fell. Now she wont stop crying." Natalie said to Mark.

"I'll call Jackson!" Mark said.

"Noo.. Dont. Just let me stay here for a while." I said and they helped me up.

"Tell us what happened.." Mark said.

"Ask your friend Jackson.." I said.

"Okk..." Mark said and dialled Jacksons number.

"Bro its me, wtf is going on? Why did your wife come to my door crying? What did you do man?" Mark said.

I just looked at him. Then Mark left the room with the phone.

"Be right back.." Mark said uncomfortably and left the room.

"You look like you need a glass of wine." Natalie said and laughed.

"No, what i need is a bottle" i said trying to make a joke. I smiled then frowned again.

Natalie held my hand. "Dont worry, Jackson will find him. He'll do anything for you guys" she said.

"I-i-i'm asking him for a divorce" i spoke quietly.

"😳whhhy...." Natalie said.

I explained to Natalie what was going on and why they took my son. She just looked shocked and couldn't believe what i was saying.

"I think you should think about this before you make a decision.. Maybe your mind is going crazy because your son is missing" Natalie said.

"Maybe your wrong or maybe your right.. I just want my Nathan back" i said.

"Come on, you look like you need a nap or something. You can rest in the guest room. And if you need somewhere to stay, you can stay here" Natalie said and showed me the room.

"Thhank you so much, it means alot" I said and hugged her.


I got off the phone with Mark and explained everything to him. He told me that Anna was at his and Natalie's apartment and that shes ok.

Im so mad at myself for letting this happen. All i ever wanted to do was to live happily with my loved ones.

"Yo Jackson! I found where he is, im pretty sure this time he's there." Q said.

"Lets go now!" I said and ran out the door.


I quietly left Natalie's and Marks apartment to get some fresh air. They only live a couple doors down from my apartment.

While i was about to turn the corner i saw Jackson, Q, Speedy and Rocky standing at the elevators so i hid behind the wall.

"If we go now, we can get Nathan back before he leaves to a different location" Q said to Jackson.

"Ok, we have no time so we have to hurry. Lets take Speedy's car cause its the fastest." Jackson said and they got in the elevator.

I was in a panic and didn't want to bother them so i just followed them without them knowing. I got into my own car and followed behind.

It was about 40 mins and they finally stopped at a random house in downtown. I parked far from them so they wouldn't see me. I got out of my car and followed them. They busted down the door and started searching the house. I slowly moved to a window and was watching what they were doing.



A door opened and there he was with my son. Nathan looked sick, he had a bruise on his lip. He wanted so run to me but Brian was holding him back and he started crying.

"Its ok Nathan, daddy's gonna get you out of here. Just be a good boy. I love you buddy." I said to calm him down which only made him cry more.

"Haha cute, but did you bring my money?" Brian asked.

"I have it, just give me my son and you'll get your money Brian." I said.

Brian pushed Nathan to me and Rocky threw the money at Brian. I hugged Nathan while crying but then i heard a gun shot...


I was watching everything from the window and i saw Nathan. I was so happy Jackson got him back.

I looked at Brian and his hands were at his back and i noticed that he was holding a gun.

I knew what was going to happen so i ran inside just in time to stop the bullet from hitting my husband and my son.

The bullet hit me instead..

Speedy took out his gun a shot Brian right in the head. Rocky grabbed Nathan so he couldn't see and covered his eyes.

"Take Nathan to the car, now!" Jackson yelled out.

"ANNA!!!" Jackson yelled out and hugged me. My eyes were feeling heavy and i started to close them.

"Nooo baby, stay awake. Dont close your eyes. Keep them open,Dont give up on me!" Jackson said.

"J-j-jackson.. t-ake c--are of o-our son.." I stuttered.

"No, please. You'll be ok. you cant leave us now, we're going to be a happy family with lots of love and even more children just like you want. Whatever you want baby, i'll do it. I promise to always love and protect our family. But that cant happen if you leave us. Please stay awake.. I love you Anna.." Jackson said while crying.

"I-i l-love y-y-you s-s-soo m-uch" I smiled then i blacked out..

OMO 😩😩😩 YOU GUYS! Im the one writing this and im so sad for this chapter! Is this really the end!? 😩😩

Btw i love you all for supporting my story still, i know i havent been updating as much but im so thankful for my readers. It means alot to me!

Fighting!! - ACEE❌⭕️

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