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Im still trying to wonder who this person that kidnapped everyones kid. When i find out im going to go crazy. Its been a day and the police arent doing shit! Me and Anna didnt even sleep yet because we're so worried. Who would kidnap someone! Especially scared little kids.

"The cops arent doing anything, im going to call my old friends to help us babe.. But dont be mad." I said.

I didnt want her to know about my old past. I was part of a stupid gang and got into trouble alot. Thats why i said dont be mad.

"What do you mean dont be mad?.. What are you hiding?" She asked with a worried look.

"A long time ago i was part of a gang and i was always getting into trouble. I have friends that know how to do everything. But i haven't spoken to them in years. Im 100% sure they can help us out." I explained to her.

"😳you were in a freaking gang!? Wtf dude and you tell me now!?" She yelled.

"I promise i have nothing to do with the gang anymore babe!" I said

"Whatever, just call them and tell them to help find the kids." She said with attitude.

I called up my old friends and they're coming. I haven't seen them or spoken to them in years because i didn't want Anna to know about them. But this is an emergency, if anyone can help find them its these guys. They're called "SNAKES" and they can literally do anything and get away with it.


It was about 10 at night and someone was knocking at the door. Jackson was taking a nap so i went to open it. I looked at the monitor and i was shocked. It was 3 tall scary looking guys so i didn't open it.

"Jackson! Wake up! Theres 3 scary dudes at the door!" I yelled and ran to him.

He just laughed. "Babe, those are my old friends SNAKES." He said and went to open the door.

"Ohh.." I said.

Jackson went to open the door and in walked SNAKES. Holy shit they were so tall and muscular, they also had a tattoo of a snake on their necks.😳😳
Jackson man hugged them and they were talking like i wasnt even in the room😒 men.. Haha

"Ohh, This is my wife Anna." Jackson said to them.

"Umm hi guys." I said awkwardly and waved.

"Hey, I'm Rock. They call me that because of my strength. Jackson told us a lot about you over the phone today, we're really sorry about your son. We're gonna find the son a b*tch who did this." Rock said and i thanked him.

"Hi, I'm Q. They call me that because i can solve all the questions. Nice to meet you." Q said and shook my hand.

"Hello, im Speedy. They call be that because i can get the job done quickly." He said and shook my hand.

"Nice to meet you all and thank you for coming. Please help us find our son as soon as possible." I said

"Dont worry, he will be home soon" Rock said to me.

"We have one extra room, and only 1 king size bed in there. Sorry but you guys have to share." I said to them.

"Its ok, we probably wont be sleeping much anyways because we're just gonna be up searching for Nathan." Q said and i smiled and thanked him.

"Babe go get some sleep, im going to be up and help them out." Jackson said to me.

"Ok, but wake me up if you know anything! And u better not hid it from me." I said and he kissed me.

"I promise i'll wake you up if we find out anything." He said.


My phone rang and it was an unknown number.

J- Jackson , M- man on the phone

J- hello?

M- hello there Jackson

J- who is this?

M- dont worry about that. Do you have my 20 million?

J- wtf, who the fuck are you. Give me back my son!!!

M- lets just say im an old friend from the past..

J- what the hell man, dont play with me. Who the hell are you!?

M- im the brother of the man you killed and im back for revenge..

And the line went dead. 😳

"I traced the number man, the number belongs to someone named Brian Ly. He had a brother name Nate Ly." Q said.

"Is this some sick joke!? I didnt kill that bastard. He killed himself by crashing his car into mine!" I said.

"Look man, i traced his call. We can go now." Q said.

"Lets go." I said and left the apartment without telling Anna.

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