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One year later and im still in Korea. Nathan is one years old and is walking, he also knows a few words. Im still working at SM and so is Jackson. Natalie and Mark are living in Korea as well, they both live next door to us. I feel so happy with my life, i just hope nothing goes wrong anymore.

I also forgave Tiffany for trying to steal Jackson because i know that its never going to happen. Shes litterally a psycho and we never go near her anymore either. Natalie tried to beat her up because she tried to make a move on Mark also.

Today was just a chilling day. The four of us decided to take Nathan to the beach to play. Jackson didnt really want to go because he hated to go to public place because of his crazy fan girls. They are worse than Tiffany.bhahha

"Ahhhh the water is so nice!" Natalie said and ran to the water.

"Ya! Be careful you dont even know how to swim stupid!" I said to.

"Its ok, i'll go swim with her" mark said and i nodded.

"Mama, eat!" Nathan said to me and pointed at the food.

"Ok bubs, you want some fruits?" I asked him and he nodded.

I put some small pieces of fruits for Nathan so he can eat. I went to sit beside Jackson and he was looking kinda pissed off.

"Whats wrong babe?" I asked

"I see some fans and they keep taking pictures and glaring at you. They're starting to piss me off" Jackson said

"I'll askk them nicely to stop. Stay here with Nathan" I said and walked over to the fans. There was 3 of them and when i walked over they were walking away from me.

"Excuse me, wait i need to ask u girls something" i said to them and they stopped.

"What?!" Said the girl

Jeez rude much. 😒

"Umm would you please give me and my family some privacy and not take pictures of us thanks." I said nicely to them

"Ya bitch you stole our oppa, i bet your only with him for money" one girl said to me and pushed me.

"Excuse me here you dumbass, i was already married to him before he was famous, get your facts straight before you go and attack someone." I said to them.

"Whatever, your ugly anyways. I dont know my oppas with you. Your kid looks ugly like you." She said and they laughed and walked away.

I couldn't take it, how dare she say those things about me and say that about my son. I jumped on her and started punching her in her face. Then her friends started attacking me. I didn't even realize what i was getting myself into but i wont let this bitch talk about me like that.

I was pulled from the fight by strong arms and i realized it was Mark.

"Anna stop! You don't wanna get arrested, do you?!" Mark said while holding me back.

"Ya, if you ever come near me or my family again your face will look 100 times uglier than it does now! You understand me!?" I yelled at the girls and they looked scared and nodded then ran away.

"Ya unnie! Relax, calm down..." Natalie said.

Mark and Natalie walked me back so Jackson.

"Babe your so crazy!" Jackson said and hugged me. He was looking at my face searching for any bruises.

"Ya, did u hear what they said!? Ofc i will go crazy!" I said.

"No i dont know what they said i couldn't hear." Jackson said

"They said i was using you for money, they called me and Nathan ugly and they think you belong to them.. Aissssh! They make me go crazy!" I said.

"Wow unnie, i wouldve joined you next time" Natalie said and i high fived her.


"Im sorry babe, its all my fault you got into a fight." Jackson said

"No its not,'dont worry about it. But why didnt you stop the fight instead of Mark?" I asked

"Because if i went there they would've attacked me with hugging and pictures and stuff, so i sent Mark." Jackson said

"Oh true, your smart haha" i said.

I picked up Nathan and he smiled at me.

"Your one handsome lil baby" i said and kissed his cheeks.

"He gets it from me duh" Jackson said and kissed the other side of his cheeks.

"Awwwwwe let me take a picture!!!" Natalie said and took the cute family picture of us.

The rest of the day was a good day, we all got to spend time with each other, tell stories and relax . I had fun today except for the fighting but i'll do anything for my family, and for the people i love.

Omo, im sososososoosososososoooo sorry for not updating in soooo long! But once again i wanna thank you all sosososoososo much!!

Love y'all!!

- ACEE❌⭕️😘

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