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Today was the day that we were all flying to Canada. We're all very excited to see our friends and family.

"Is everyone ready?" I asked.

"Yeah babe, we're ready. I called Mark and he said to meet in the parking lot." Jackson said.

"Ok, lets go!" I said.

"BYE HOUSE!" Nathan said and waved to the apartment like it was a person. Haha cuuute.

"haha Nathan, you're so cute." I said and pinched his cheeks.

"Oww mom, dont do that. Im not a baby anymore." He said.

"Oh whateves, your still my little baby no matter what." I said.

We got down to the parking lot to meet with Natalie and Mark. Natalie had a grin on her face the whole entire time it was kinda creepy.

"Jeez, stop smiling. you're scaring me." I said to her and she just grinned even bigger with her eyes wide open. O.O

"Mark, your girl is weird.." I said.

"I know.. but shes the best." Mark said and hugged her.

"Get in the car love birds." Jackson said.

We're taking a taxi-van to the airport. At the very back was Me, Nathan and Jackson.

The next row was Mark and Natalie. No'one was in the front seat so we put extra luggage there.

We arrived at the airport and got all of our stuff out.

"Lets go everyone before we miss the flight!" Jackson yelled.

We hurried and gathered our stuff and got on the plane.

"Everyone put on your seat belts, the plane is about to take off." The flight attendence said and everyone followed her instruction.

I looked over at Nathan sitting near the window and he looked so excited.

"Are you excited Nathan?" I asked him.

"Yeah, but im also nervous to see everyone. What if they dont like me ?" He said and frowned.

"What? They're going to love you buddy, dont worry." I said and he smiled.

The flight when on which felt like forever, everyone was asleep except me for me. I couldnt fall asleep for some reason. I wanted to talk to someone cause i was so bored. I decided to try and wake Jackson up.

I poked his cheek to try and wake him up but he didnt move. I giggled to myself and kept poking his face. I thought it was funny that he wouldnt wake up so i decided to record him and keep poking his face.

"RAAAH!" Jackson yelled into the phone and i lightly screamed.

"OMO! you scared the shit outta me dude! i thought you were sleeping!" I said and playfully hit his arm.

"How can i stay asleep when you keep poking my face?" He said and smirked.

"Jeez, i was going to post the video on instagram but you ruined it.. haha" I said.

"You suck at trying to trick people babe." Jackson said and put his arm around my shoulder and started to give me a nudge on my head.

"owww stop it you freak." I said and tickled his sides.

"ok ok i'll stop" Jackson said.

"uggh im so over this flight, im so bored." I said and pouted.

"Yeah, me too." Jackson said and yawned.

"Go back to sleep babe, im just going to the washroom first." I said and got up to use the washroom.

I got to the washroom and I was pushed into the stall by strong arms. I turned and realise it was Jackson.

"Holy fucking shit you douche bag! what are you doing?! i almost had a heart attack." I said and hit him.

Jackson didnt say anything instead he just attacked me with kisses. "Let's have some fun, you said you were bored." He finally spoke up and smirked. Oh my lawwwd his smirk is so HOT. 

"You're so bad for coming up with this idea." I said.

"But you love it." He said and started kissing me.


After.. I opened the door and Mark was standing at the door waiting to use the washroom.

"Sup ugly." Mark said to me.

"Sup hideous" I said and punched his arm lightly.

"Where's Anna, Natalie wanted to talk to her but shes not at her seat." He said.

I just smirked and pointed at the washroom door.

Marks eyes popped. "You guys didnt.." He asked.

I just laughed and started to walk back to my seat. 


I opened the door just a bit and i didnt see anyone there so i opened it fully and Mark was standing there smiling and giggling like a girl. 

"Have fun?" He said still giggling.

I didnt say anything, my face was turning red like a freaking tomato and i ran to my seat.

I got to my seat and hit Jackson. "OMO i think Mark knows." I said being embarassed.

"Ow why did you hit me then?" Jackson asked.

"Because it was your idea!" I said.

"But you didnt stop me.." He said and smirked.

"Omo stop smirking you hot piece of shit." I said and covered my eyes.

Jackson just sat there laughing his ass off.

Im glad he finds this funny .. -_____-"

AccidentalLove {GOT7 Jackson}Where stories live. Discover now