Past and Future

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It was the day of Jose's opening. I was excited, as I was seeing Ana this evening. I had shaved really good, because I knew I would be kissing my girl. I left my penthouse apartment and Taylor drove me to my destination. I was a bit nervous seeing her again, as my leg trembled.

I don't think I'll ever forget our first time together. After she got off work I had Taylor to pick her up. She met me on the rooftop of the hotel I was at. I took her in my helicopter to my place at Escala in Seattle.

Once we arrived I had her to sign a nondisclosure. After that, she asked if I was going to make love to her. I told her then I don't make love. I. Fuck. Hard. The expression on her face was priceless, especially after I showed her my play room.

We discussed the contract, I told her that I already had one made up that was self-explanatory. She had asked me how would she know the positions or what she would do? I asked her what did she like. She turned her face away from me. I explained that I needed to know so we could trust each other. She shocked me with the news that she was a virgin.

I couldn't believe it! That men fall at her feet and that she never been touched. It was then when I broke all my rules. We made love in my bed. That whole weekend we shared was first for me. She even made us pancakes, as I came into the kitchen, I saw her with her back to me as she was stirring the batter. I sat on the stool as I watched her ass move, what a fine ass it was! I knew I surprised her as she gasped turning to face me.

We ate, then I drew a warm bath for her as I knew she would be sore. We got in together. Later we went to my bedroom again as I tied her wrists with my tie. I asked her to be mine, just as I was going to eat her out, I heard my mother's voice! Damn it! I had to untie Ana and get dressed. That's when she was introduced to my mother, which that is something I had never done. My driver pulled me out of my thoughts; past and future.

"We're here Mr. Grey," Taylor said, as he exited the vehicle. He went all the way around and opened my door.

"Good luck, Sir," Taylor said, as I huffed. I didn't need any luck, as far as I was concerned.

I walked in the office establishment and right away I had a few ladies looking my direction. I stepped forward to the receptionist.

"Hello, I'm here for Anastasia Steele?"

The lady looked up at me and blushed right away. I was dressed sharply in a gray suit. I was told it brings the color out of my eyes. Plus, I was wearing Ana's favorite tie.

"Um...yes...Mr. Grey, Sir. Let me see if she is available, Sir."

"There's really no need for that. I have a date with her actually. Just tell me where her station is, please?"

"She's on the fourth floor, 271," she answered shyly.

"Thank you. Your very kind." I say with a wide smile giving her a wink. She giggled as I stepped away. I strut to the elevator as I say to myself, 'Yep I still got it.'

I pressed the button to her floor, I would be lying if I didn't say my heart was beating a mile a minute. I got inside as it dinged, pressing the button to her floor. I smiled remembering what happened in the elevator before. It's where we shared our first kiss.

Technically, I practically attacked her. I couldn't help myself any longer! I mean she was biting that damn bottom lip of hers. I had told her one day in my hotel room that I wasn't going to touch her until I had her written consent. Then just a few minutes later in the elevator when she bit her bottom lip I couldn't resist any longer!

Fifty Shades Darker: My AnaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz