Elena the Domme

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Ana and I went for a drive...she was asking me where we were going. I wanted it to be a surprise. This is another first me. Something I've never done before. I wanted to share it with Ana.

"Christian, come on, tell me where we are going."

"Nope. You just have to wait. We're almost there, baby."

Another five minutes we pulled into a small airport. I got out of the car and went to help her out. She smiled at me as we walked towards a man who was going to help us.

"Mr. Grey, I will be be your co-pilot."

"How are you doing? This is my girlfriend, Anastasia Steele."

He took us to a plane. Ana and I got into the glider. The pilot took off as we started to flying in the air. I was very excited to share this with her, she wanted more, I will give her more.

"Mr. Grey we are at three-thousand feet. Are you ready for me to release?"

"Well, Ana, are you ready?" I asked her.

"Yeah, go ahead," she replied back to me.

"Release..." I said.

Just as soon as he released us, we were flying in the glider. Well I was helping it and I heard Ana's squeal of excitement. I knew she would like this. We were gliding over lots of trees and land. It was very beautiful from up here.

I dipped the glider down and I prepared to fly us upside down. "Hold on tight baby!" As I then took the glider and rolled it under. I asked Ana, "Is this more?"

Ana laughed saying, "Oh my god. So much more!" As she continued to giggle.

I knew she'd love it. We glided a little more; after a while it was time to land. Once we landed, we popped our windows open to climb out. I helped Ana out of the cockpit. She looked in my eyes as I saw the excitement in them. We said bye to our co-pilot.

Walking hand in hand to the car, Ana looked at me and said, "Thank you Christian. That was incredible!"

"We aim to please Miss. Steele. I have never taken anyone on the glider, you are the first. The first of many more to come."

"I appreciate you sharing this with me." Ana replied softly as she reached up to kiss me.

It started out as a chaste kiss when she slid her tongue in my mouth and I was literally in heaven. I pulled her body flush to mine as we made out near the car.

She pulled back as she said, "And you said you didn't do romance..."

"Ana...I..." The shrill of my cell went off.

Damn it! Why now? But I knew I had to answer. Looking at Ana as I said, "Hello?"

They were telling me about Elena. She had come by my apartment wanting to see me. I haven't spoken to her in a couple of days. I'm sure she is curious about what is going on between Ana and I.

"Okay...thanks for letting me know." I hung up as Ana looked at me curiously.

"What was that all about?"

I looked her back in the eyes. "It's nothing Ana. Come on let me drive you back home."

She nodded as we got in the car and I drove her home. It was getting late and I knew she and I both had jobs to tend to in the morning. I parked, as I was going to walk her to her door. Once we arrived at her door, she unlocked it, then turned to me. Before she could say anything my lips met hers in a searing kiss. I broke the kiss soundly pushing her against the door frame, our bodies in close proximity.

"Thank you for an incredible day, Christian," she whispered breathlessly.

"It was my pleasure, Ana. Thank you very much for giving us another chance. Is there anyway possible we can see each other after work tomorrow?"

She bit her lip nervously. "Well, um..my new boss wanted all of us to go out for drinks after work."

I blew out a breath. I didn't want to push, but I also didn't want to wait days to see her again either. "Does he now? How about I join you?"

She smiled back. "That would be great Christian. It will be around five."

I gave her another small kiss. "See ya at five tomorrow. Later's baby," I smiled crookedly to her.

She went inside her apartment. I stood there for a moment as I was thinking about our relationship and where it was headed. I had a big smile on my face. I was really happy. For the first time in my life, I had a girlfriend. Not a sub, but a normal bonafide relationship. Me. Mr. Grey.

I walked away from her apartment and to my car. I happened to look up and see Ana looking back down at me. She had a big smile on her face too. I waved to her as she waved back. I got in my car and started driving to my place. I was on cloud nine knowing she and I were together.

Soon I pulled into my garage. I had my own private garage for all my cars. I got in the elevator as it quickly took me to my floor. Once I got out I started walking to the kitchen to grab me a bottled water. I saw Elena who was sitting on the couch. She didn't look to happy as her lips were pulled tight.

"What can I do for you Elena?" I asked looking at her as taking a swig.

She gave me an icy look. "Where have you been Christian? I've been waiting for an hour. I don't like waiting."

"If you must know, I spent the day with Ana. She and I are back together and working things out."

Elena stood from the couch. She walked closely to me. She stood in my personal space and then replied, "We need to talk. I don't like you with Ana. She isn't the right woman for you."

I smirked back at Elena. "Well, It's not really up to you now is it? I'm no longer your submissive. You cannot tell me what to do anymore. Ana and I are together. I'm happy."

Elena walked a few steps around me, like she used to do when I was her submissive. She stopped as she was right in front of my face. Me being the dominant stood there. I was not going to let her intimidate me.

"Christian, this was not a request from me. I order you to stay away from Ana."

I glared back at Elena. "Who are you to tell me who I can or can't be with? I am Christian fucking Grey. You stopped telling me what to do a long time ago. Go get one of your pets to service you. I'm done!" I growled to her.

"Christian!" Elena said in her dominant tone.

I stood there glaring at her. "What?" I snapped. "I told you Elena, we are over as far as us. We've been over a long time ago. Go to one of your pets and leave me the hell alone."

"I'm warning you, Christian, if you don't back away from a relationship with Ana...I'll...I'll..."

I stepped right in front of Elena. Getting into her face I said darkly, "You will do nothing to Ana, do you hear me? She is the best thing has happened to me. I'm not ending it with her so get used to it! You are my friend and nothing more. If you want to stay that way I suggest you back off!" I growled to her.

Elena stared back at me. She huffed at me and stalked off towards the elevator. She pressed the button. She turned to me saying, "This isn't that last of this, Christian. We are not through. Not by a long shot."

She stepped into the elevator and was gone. Fuck! What the hell is her problem? She's acting like...like...a jealous girlfriend. Wait! She told me love was for fools. But yet her behavior is so weird. Could Elena have feelings for me? Was Ana right about her? How did I not see this?

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