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It was the next morning. I was up very early and went for my jog. Since it was Sunday, I just changed into some jeans and a white t-shirt. I tried to stay casual. It was time to head to Ana's to pick her up for breakfast.

I had given Taylor the day off so I drove myself. It was just a ten-minute drive to her place. I parked the car and headed inside the apartment building. I went to her door and knocked on it. The door opened, I was expecting Ana but low and behold it was Jose, who was also shirtless.

What the hell was he still doing here?

I looked him in the eyes as I gruffly asked, "Where's Ana?" pushing past him to get inside the door.

"She's getting ready." He said shutting the door and then he went to the breakfast bar to continue eating his cereal.

"Don't you own a shirt?" I asked rudely.

His eyes met mine as he said, "I didn't feel like putting it on if that's okay with you. Besides, Ana has already seen me without my shirt countless times. It doesn't bug her."

"I'd rather you didn't run around shirtless in front of her, it's not appropriate. "

"You can't order me around like you do everyone else. I hear your rather a control freak, even ordering Ana too. She used to not be that way until you came along."

"I don't order her around, I am merely looking out for her. It's none of your business how she and I conduct ourselves in our relationship," I bit out tightly.

Anastasia came into the room as Jose and I was having a staring match with one another. Yep, we certainly didn't like each other. She looked back and forth between us.

"Is everything okay?" she asked.

I shook my head looking back at Ana, she looked beautiful. She was wearing a white lace shirt with low riding jeans. She looked good in those jeans too. They molded to her legs nicely.

"Everything's fine, Ana. You look beautiful. Ready to go eat?" I asked her giving her a kiss. My tongue slid in her mouth and I earn a soft moan from her.

"Yep. I'm hungry." She looked to Jose as she said, "Don't forget to lock up when you leave. See you later."

He nodded to her as we left her apartment. We walked hand in hand to the car. I let her in and ran to my side to get going. I asked her, "Where would you like to eat?"

"How about Ihop, I'm in the mood for pancakes and eggs." She answered.

I nodded in agreement as I drove us there. It was a silent ride in the car, but a good silent. I held her hand as I drove. I turned on the iPod so we could listen to some music on the way. It was a twenty-minute drive and we reached Ihop. I parked, and got out and helped Ana as well...

We walked into the establishment as we waited to be seated. Once we were seated we looked at the menus. When the waitress came, she took our order. She nodded and said it would be right out. I looked Ana in the eyes as she looked back at me.

"So, are you going to tell me what was going on between you and Jose?" She asked.

"Nothing much really," I answered.

"Oh come now Christian, the tension between you two was rather thick. I want to know what was said."

I sighed. "Well, if you must know, it was about us. He doesn't like the fact that you and I are together again."

She blushed and put her head down for a second. She looked back at me. "Can you two just try to get along, for my sake?"

I rolled my eyes, yeah me, Christian Grey. "Did you just roll your eyes at me?" She asked, with an amused look on her face.

Fifty Shades Darker: My AnaDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora