Salon Visit

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The week went by pretty fast. Ana and I fell into a routine, she slept at my house and I would do the same. We went back and forth. I hadn't talked to Elena even though she's tried calling me of course, but I never answered back.

She resorted to texting to me saying things like, 'I'm sorry Christian. I don't know what got into me. Please talk to me.'

But I just kept ignoring her. If she couldn't accept Ana being in my life, then we couldn't be friends. It was that simple.

I'll be honest, having a girlfriend was pretty damn awesome. I never knew having a regular relationship with someone could be rewarding. Ana herself is quite the possessive little kitten. I was astounded by her, she completely mesmerized me.

It was a Saturday afternoon. After making love that morning and skipping breakfast we were quite hungry. So, we went to go eat lunch. Nothing fancy, we ate at Chili's, its a little Irish pub. As soon as we walked in, the hostess was eye fucking me.

In a flirty tone she said, "Mr. Grey, we can sit you and your companion right this way."

Only Ana was having none of that. "I'm his girlfriend. I'd appreciate you not eye fucking him either. That's very impolite." Ana said, in her threatening, but sweet voice.

Damn! Who knew she had it in her? I chuckled, knowing she was possessive and jealous.

We were directed to our seat as she gave us the menus. I sat right in front of Ana and just gazed at her as she was looking at her menu. She finally looked up at me and saw me looking at her.

"What?" she asked.

"Nothing. You just surprise me sweetheart. You were polite but bold. I like that in you." I replied to her with a wink.

"Yeah well, when your boyfriend is Christian Grey, you kind of have to. Especially, when he is photographed and written as an eligible bachelor, in every magazine there is."

I smiled crookedly to her. "You didn't seem to mind when our picture was taken at your graduation."

"True. But, then again, I was written as your friend, not girlfriend. There is a difference." She replied, as she kept looking over the menu.

"Ana, you know people like having a picture of me, it's my name they like. It's for their publicity." I responded.

The waitress came by and took our orders, then left to place them.

"I understand about publicity, Christian. Just the other day while I was grabbing myself lunch, and on a magazine of Forbes, it mentioned again about you being a bachelor. I heard a couple of women talking about how they wondered if you were good in bed. It just gets old after a while, that's all."

I guess Ana does have a point. But, to change the subject I asked, "So, what did you want to do today? Go see a movie?"

She sighed. "Well...I was thinking of getting a haircut. I want a different look."

The food was delivered to us. I told her it was no problem for the haircut, as I knew a place where she could get it done. We ate our meal, I paid the bill and we headed out. It was a short distance to the salon, as we walked hand in hand fingers intwined.

Soon we walked into the salon and right away I'm greeted by Greta who asks for the usual. I told her no and Ana will let her know what she needed. I heard Anastasia hiss.

"Is there a problem?" I asked, lifting my eyebrow.

"People know you here." She stated.

"Yeah. I own the place and three more like it. It's a sideline business. Anyway, anything that you want, you will get it here. They do massages, waxing, you name it, they do it."

She agreed, nodding to me. I looked to the back of the salon and I saw Elena. She was dressed in the uniform, I was surprised to see her here, as she should be at the other location. I excused myself from Ana, and walked towards Elena.

Elena saw me walk to her, as she smiled when greeting me. "Christian, it's so nice to see you! I've been trying to contact you for days...." as she leaned in and kissed me on the cheek.

"Sorry. I've been with Ana. I'm surprised to see you here though. What are you doing here today?" I asked.

"Oh. Well, they were short handed, so I told them I'd help out." She looked over to where Ana was standing as she was looking at Elena and me talk. "Is that your Ana?" she asked pointing to Ana.

"Yes, it is. She wanted a haircut, so I brought her here."

Elena said curtly, "I see. I'd like to say hello." She turned to her client saying she'd be right back.

Elena headed towards Ana as I tried to stop her, but she was too quick for me. She stopped right in front of Ana, as Ana looked back at her with a blank look. This wasn't good. I rubbed my neck nervously.

"Hello, Ana, I'm Mrs Lincoln, but I know you refer to me as Mrs. Robinson. It's so nice to meet you in person. My boy Christian is quite fond of you. I can see why too." Elena spoke with such admiration in her voice looking Ana up and down.

Ana herself looked from me to Elena. I knew she was uncomfortable meeting her like this. "Well, I wish I could same the same about you," Ana said with a harsh tone on her voice. "But then again, I'm not the one who went after a child either." Ana said with a glare.

Whoa! I'm impressed with Ana. She's not backing down from Elena at all. But then again, why should she?

Elena looked back at me. "Christian, it looks like you have a firecracker here! I won't keep you, I wanted to say hello." Elena turned to me as she gave me a hard look. "Christian, I really needed to speak with you in private. Please?" Elena begged as she rubbed my arm. She left to go back to the back of the salon.

I looked back at Ana, who looked back at me with a wary look, but just then Franco arrived to take Ana to get her hair cut. Ana was not happy with me at all, I could tell. But, she went with Franco anyway. Oh boy, I'm going to pay for that later, I'm sure.

But, I followed Elena to the back of the salon. Lord only knows what she wanted to talk about. When I got into the office, Elena closed the door. She turned to look back at me, her face now hard as stone.

"I don't appreciate you ignoring me, Christian. I have been calling and texting you all week."

I said harshly, "I told you, I was with Ana all week, Elena. My world doesn't revolve around you. I have a girlfriend now."

"Yeah. That may be true for now...but Christian, do you honestly think she can make you happy? You're a Dom. That's what you are. Nothing can change that."

"That's where you're wrong Elena. I've changed. Ana has changed me. She makes me see things in a totally different way. Look, I'm going to be blunt here. That day in my place, you sounded like a jealous girlfriend, instead of being what you were as my Dom. I'm no longer your submissive. I make my own decisions. If you can't accept Ana as my girlfriend and a part of my life..."

"That our friendship is over? Is that what you are saying Christian?" She cut me off asking.

"That's exactly what I'm saying. I see a future with Ana. I'm not going to let you jeopardize what I have with her because of your jealousy. Is that clear?"


I stepped in towards Elena getting in her personal space. In my Dom voice I asked, "Is. That. Clear?"

Her eyes moved all around, but she kept looking at me. She sighed in defeat. "It's clear."

"Good. I'm glad we understand each other. Now, if you excuse me, I need to take care of my girl. Talk to you later, Elena."

I stepped out of the office as went back into the main part of the salon. I looked for Ana and couldn't find her anywhere. I didn't see her with Franco either. Was I gone that long? Then my eyes fell onto! Hot damn! She looks incredible. I almost didn't recognize my own girl. Holy shit!

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