Green-eyed Monster

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Ana and I had just arrived at Jose's opening. We walked in and looked around for him. But he spotted us first.

"Ana!" he shouted. "You came!" he said, excitedly, then his smile fell as he saw me. Good! That's exactly what I wanted.

He came up grabbing Ana in a hug. I gave him a wary look, he just shrugged and ignored me.

"Ana, I'm so happy to see you. Thanks for coming!"

"Of course, Jose. I wouldn't miss it for the world. Looks like a great turn out."

Jose looked around himself. "Yeah, it is."

He finally acknowledged me. "Christian," his voice a little harsh. "Nice to see you," he said trying to be cordial. Yeah, I knew he didn't like me. Likewise as well. But, I was doing this for Ana.

"Nice to see you again. Congratulations." I said, trying to sound as friendly as possible.

"Thanks," he said quickly then diverting his look to Ana. "Come, Ana, I want you to meet some people," Jose said, as he had already started dragging her off.

Ana looked back at me for a moment. "Go, I'll get us a drink and catch up."

She nodded as she went with Jose and they mingled with people. He was introducing her to all his people. "Hey there, thanks for coming. This is my Anastasia Steele. She and I met in college freshman year...she's my inspiration."

As I stood at the bar watching, I heard one lady say, "Oh, how nice! You're a beautiful woman, Ana. I can see why you inspire Jose." Of course, Ana just blushed. I continued to listen to them gush about how Ana makes him glow with glee when he's around her. She just nods to them. She really has no idea the effect she has on men. I had asked the bartender for a couple glasses of wine. He handed them to me as I set out to meet up with them.

Once I caught up, I handed Ana a drink. One of the other ladies saw me and asked, "Who is this gentleman?"

I held out my hand shaking it as I said without thinking, "I'm her boyfriend."

Ana gave me a look real quick, but she didn't correct me on it. The lady said, "Oh, I see. Wow, Ana. You really know how to pick 'em!" She blushed even harder as she took a drink of her wine. Jose rejoined the group as they all just talked. He kept giving me dirty looks, but I tried to ignore him.

Suddenly Kate came up as she gave me a weird look like, 'what are you doing here?' "Hey Christian, what a surprise to see you here."

I answered. "I had promised Ana I'd be her date to this, so here I am."

She nodded to me as she said, "I see. Well, enjoy." She spoke to Ana. "Oh Ana, you have to see the pictures in the other room. They are just fabulous!"

I grabbed Ana's hand as we walked into the other room. Everyone was talking and pointing at different pictures. But there were three of them that everyone was talking about. Soon, I heard Ana gasp as her eyes bugged out, I steered my gaze where she was looking. Right on the wall on the left-hand side were three blown up black and white pictures of Ana. She was smiling and so carefree. I've never seen her like that with me. Wow!

Holy fuck!

I stood in awe of how he captured Ana. She was so carefree, smiling and having a good time. It took my breath away. Ana let go of my hand and walked closer to the pictures on the wall. She was mesmerized with what she saw. And that made me fully aware of what Jose's intentions were for Ana. He had feelings for her for sure.

Just a friend, my ass!

After looking at them for a while, my blood began to boil. Jose walked into the room and approached Ana while she looked at the pictures in front of me. She looked at him as he spoke.

"So, what do you think?" he asked a little timid.

Ana said, "Oh Jose, they are incredible. I had no idea you took my picture that day."

"Ana, you have no idea how much you inspire me. You have always encouraged me, been there for me when I needed you. So, this was my thanks to you. I couldn't think of anyone else I would share this with other than with you."

"Oh...Jose. I'm so proud of you!" she flung her arms around him as she hugged him tightly. Jose hugged her back, tightly. He also looked my way as he nodded in my direction. Oh! Game on boy! Does he really think I'm giving up that easily? Oh, Hell No! The green-eyed monster is out.

They broke their hug, but, something inside of me just snapped. I saw the way he was looking at Ana just then. They were so close together, that if she moved her head, their lips would meet. I had to make a move and fast. Now I knew exactly what Ana felt when I told her I was having dinner with Elena, aka Mrs. Robinson. Jealousy.

I broke their bubble as I said quickly, "Those are nice pictures, Jose. Well done." I spoke to Ana, "I will be right back."

I left them quickly as I went to pay for those pictures. I came back as fast as I could. Just as I did I saw Jose leave Ana's side. He was pulled away by who seemed to be his agent. He smiled then came back to Ana.

"Oh my God Ana, you won't believe this. I sold those pictures of you! In fact, almost all these pictures have been sold! But, I'm especially happy about those pictures of you. Wow!"

"I'm very happy for you, Jose," Ana said as she looked right at me. I smirked because she knew, that I was the one who purchased those pictures of her. Jose walked away from us just then.

"It was you who bought those pictures in the other room."

"Of course it was Ana. I want to support Jose..."

"That's not the reason and you know it," she snapped tightly.

I looked at her just then. My smile had faded as well. "You're right it's not." As she and I just stood glaring at each other, it felt like we were the only two people in the room.

"Then why? I know you don't like Jose so..."

"The thought of anyone else looking or gawking at you makes my blood boil that's why!" I raised my voice trying to keep it down.

"Of all the nerve!" she hissed at me.

"What?" I snapped back.

"You don't own me, Christian. What gives you the right"

"Because I'm jealous that's why!" I yelled, causing the others to look our way. Even Jose who smiled our direction.

God! I didn't want to do this here. Of all places, I didn't want to have this conversation here as I tugged at my hair frustrated as hell.

"You're jealous? I told you Jose and I are just friends, Christian," she replied more calmly.

Friends? Friends? He doesn't want to just be friends with Ana. He wants more. I looked back at Ana.

I said as calmly as I could, "The man doesn't just want friendship with you. He wants in your pants, Ana. Jose wants you. He's made that loud and clear."

She looked at me clueless. Shaking her head.

I continued, "Do you honestly think that those pictures of you laughing and carefree were because he's your friend, Ana? Not even close. Jose has feelings for you. Surely you can see that. Hell half of the people in this room can see that. Do you think he was happy to see you here with me?" I questioned. "No, he wasn't! In fact, he's been giving me daggers the whole entire night. Not that I can blame him." I pointed out. Ana just stood there looking back at me in shock.

Frankly, I was shocked too by my outburst. But for the first time, I had, to be honest with myself. With her. I wanted her back.

The sexual tension between us was thick. I could feel the electricity between was no denying it. I knew she wanted me as much as I wanted her.

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