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I admitted to Ana being jealous of Jose. I don't get jealous. I never have. But with Ana, it's different. I just couldn't bare to lose her again. Not this time. As she stood there listening to me rant on I closed the gap between us.

"Ana, can we please go somewhere and talk this out. I don't want to do this here. Not with everyone around. Please?" I begged her.

"Okay, you're right. We can't do this here. Just give a moment to say goodbye." She replied as she walked away from me.

Finally! I get her all to myself. She went right up to Jose. I saw her talking to him but I couldn't hear what was being said. He nodded to her as they gave each other a hug. She kissed him on the cheek and headed my direction again.

I grabbed her coat as we headed out. I held her hand as we walked down the street. There had to be a cafe close by. We came up to one. Mimi's cafe. We went in and ordered our food. We sat down as they were going to bring it to us. Ana looked at me as she waited for me to start.

My eyes met hers as I began, "I guess I should start at the beginning?"

"That would be nice," she replied.

Okay, I told myself. Here it goes. "I've done a lot of thinking while we were apart Ana. You leaving was probably the best thing you could have done."

"Christian, I..." She started saying.

"Let me finish. Please." I said. as she nodded. "As I was saying, I did a lot of thinking when you left. That was the wake-up call I needed. Remember how I told you at my parents' dinner no one has ever said no to me before?" She nodded. "Well, that turned me on more than you know. I'm used to getting my way, Ana. No one has ever challenged like you do. Ever. This is new to me."

The waitress appeared interrupting me but brought our food and refilled our water. I waited until she left to go on.

"Ana, as I said before I have never done the girlfriend thing. I started in the BDSM stuff when I was 15, so for me to court a very new to me. I've never had to court anyone. When I had submissives, they just willingly submit themselves to me so I've never had to ask a girl out."

Ana really looked at me then. She asked, "Why now? Why are willing to try this 'vanilla' thing with me?"

Does she really have to ask that question? "Isn't is obvious? Ana, I'm so...smitten with you! I'm undoubtedly, smitten by you. I can't sleep. I can't function without you. When I emailed you about coming with you to Jose's opening...that was the first time I actually got out of bed and worked."

She stared at me stunned like she couldn't believe what I what telling her. "Elena," as soon as I mentioned her name, Ana rolled her eyes. I wanted to correct her on it right then but I stopped myself. I reminded her, "She's just a friend Ana."

Ana sat back for a moment as she absorbed what I had already told her. Then she leaned forward again. "Okay, I am going to make a point to you Christian. You know how you feel about Jose, well that's how I feel about Elena or Mrs. Robinson. Though I have never had sexual relations with him," she pointed out.

Duly noted. "I get your point. Duly noted Ms. Steele. May I continued? Though I will have to mention you-know-who." She nodded agreeing with me. "As I was saying, Elena had come by several times and I was a mess. I even had a full beard as I had not shaved. I took to my bed and didn't want to get up. That's how bad I was Ana. I even went to see my therapist John. I told him all about you. Everything. Anyways, he was the one who suggested that I try this...our relationship and see where it goes. I know that the spanking was the last draw with you."

Fifty Shades Darker: My AnaWhere stories live. Discover now