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It was a Monday and I was back at work. I had a few meetings I was dealing with at the moment, when on my laptop, I heard a ding. I went to check and it was an email from Ana. I clicked on it to read it:

From: Anastasia Steele

To: Christian Grey

Subject: Good morning!

I just wanted to say good morning and I hope you are having a good day.



I smiled real big and replied back.

From: Christian Grey

To: Anastasia Steele

Subject: Blue balls

Hello, baby. Good morning to you too. I miss you in my bed. Getting blue balls here. I'm anxious to see you tonight.

Always yours,


I went about my meeting, we had a few mergers going on and had to work out the final details. I think it will go smoothly. It was nearing lunch when I heard my laptop ding again.

From: Anastasia Steele

To: Christian Grey (My Adonis)

Subject: Blue Balls?

Maybe I can assist you with those blue balls you have. I wouldn't want you uncomfortable, which I'm sure you are right now. Nice and hard.

Fuck! Is she trying to kill me? It was standing attention. I even had to rub one out last night before going to bed. I hadn't done that in years!

From: Christian Grey

To Anastasia Steele

Subject: Rubbed one out!

Fuck! Woman, you can't say things like that to me. I had to rub one out last night, and I hadn't done that in years! You keep this up and we will see who holds out on not having sex. You will be begging for it. I'm sure that pussy of yours is wet by now and needing my cock right about now. I can picture you squirming and calling out my name. Oh, what a beautiful sight it is!

Always yours,


I hit send and said to myself, take that Ms. Steele and see how long you can hold out. This having no sex thing was getting a bit too much. But, I won't make this easy for her at all. I will make her want it. I heard a ding.

From: Anastasia Steele

To: Christian Grey

Subject: Not fair!

Great! Now I have wet panties and it's uncomfortable sitting here in front of my screen! Fuck!



I laughed out loud so hard. Shaking my head at her amusement. I replied once more before taking a lunch break.

From: Christian Grey

To: Anastasia Steele

Subject: Wet Panty alert!

Such language there Ms. Steele. I can only imagine what your wet panties smell like now with your arousal....but wait! I already know what they smell like. I bet it tastes as good as it smells...oh but wait...I already know that too. Serves you right, Miss Smart Mouth. Gotta go heading out for lunch. See ya at five.

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