Out in the Open

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Damn it! I've been dreading this day from the beginning. I didn't want my mother to know about my relationship with Elena. God please wake me up and tell me this was a dream. I opened my eyes and nope it wasn't. It was very real.

My mother glared at Elena, as she ran out of my parent's home. I barely heard my mother say, "Ana, will you please give me a moment alone with my son?"

Ana agreed and she softly walked away. My mother looked back at me. I saw the disappointment in her eyes. God, why me? I asked myself. The lump in my throat grew bigger.

"How long, Christian?" mother asked. I tried to gauge how angry she was.

I shook my head in disbelief. I didn't want to believe this whole thing was real.

"Mother...I..." I tried to say.

"How long? Answer me." Her tone was unrecognizable.

I finally answered. "A few years," Not wanting to give it totally away.

"Try again, son."

Fuck! Please tell me she doesn't know it began when I was a teen, a hormonal boy.

"I was seventeen." I answered quietly.

I heard her gasp. We stood there for a moment. The silence was deafening.

"Christian, I am your mother. Surely you don't think I will believe you were seventeen when you two..."

How in the hell would she know that?

"Okay...I was fifteen. It's not as bad as you think," I tried to explain.

Grace's voice got louder. "Not as bad as I think! Good god Christian, that woman used me to get to you! My sweet adorable son! When I think all the times she and I talked...you two...were...I don't even want to think about it."

"Mom, believe it or not, she helped me. She was the one who stopped me from being so angry..."

"No! She used you as a fucking toy Christian! All these years, like you told her earlier, she taught you to fuck. There was no love. It was just sex. And I know her taste Christian. God only knows what she did to you. It's bad enough I know this part of it."

"Yes, mother. You have to believe me, I never wanted to hurt you mom. Never." I tried reasoning with Grace.

She reached out to me. She touched my face, to which I would never let her do that before. She held my face gently in her hands. Like a mother is supposed to hold her son.

"Christian, you know that I adore you. I love you, son. If I had known...that she had done this to you...I would have never let her in my home again. Please tell me that Ana knows about this."

I looked Grace in her eyes. "Of course she knows. In fact she despises Elena."

Grace dropped her hand from my face. She paced the floor for a moment. She looked me in the eyes. "Good. I'm glad she knows, Christian. I'm glad there are no secrets between you two. Now, hear this my son, I want you to sever all ties with that woman."

"But mother I..." I tried to explain. No, I didn't like what Elena did to Ana, but I'm a grown man. I made my own decisions.

"I don't want to hear it Christian. You are to end your relationship with that witch once and for all. She is no longer welcome in my home."

"But she and I own business together," I pleaded with Grace.

She walked closer to me. She stood in her spot as she said in a motherly tone, "I don't care what you two have together. You are to sever your ties with that evil troll once and for all. You do what you have to do, but I want her out of our lives for good. Understood?"

I stood in shock. But, I totally understood. "Yes mother, I understand. I'm sorry."

Grace sighed. She closed her eyes and took a few breaths. "I will have to tell your father about this. But not tonight. Go get your girl and take her home Christian. Ana is a good girl, I'm so glad you two met."

I hugged my mother. "I am too. I love her mom."

"Of course you do son. We all just adore her. I'm happy for you. Now go take care of your girl."

I walked out of the room. Shutting the door behind me I took a deep breath and let it out. It's all out in the open now, well only the sex part. I didn't go in details with mother about the relationship Elena and I had. But in the end I knew that ending that part of my life was better for me. I went to search for my Ana.

I heard some voices in another room and heard a man's voice say, "Ana, I can't believe he did that to you. You deserve so much better. I can be the person if you just let me."

Ana replied, "Jose, I appreciate your friendship. Thank you for consoling me. But I love Christian. I don't mean to hurt you..."

"But Ana, the man continues to hurt you. He even had an affair with that older woman. Don't tell me that he won't do the same thing to you."

I walked further in the room. I seen Jose hold my girl in his arms. He had his hands on her face. He said, "Just one kiss Ana...that's all I ask...." as he started to lean in closer to her face.

"I believe she said no," I gruffly said to Jose as I walked closer to them. "So, this is how you value your friendship with her. By taking advantage of the situation when she's vulnerable. Some friend you are." I said getting in Jose's face.

Jose barked back. "I told you not to hurt her either and that I was not giving up on her."

"Let me explain something to you boy, you have no fucking idea what went on between Elena and myself. But, it's been over for a long time and Ana is mine. I will be damned if I lose her because of my stupidity. Ana told you she is in love with me. So back off before you make a bigger fool of yourself." I said darkly to him.

He and I stood glaring at each other. Both of our chests were puffed as we were ready to rumble. The testosterone was thick. Jose and I hated each other and the fact that he tried to kiss her again when she is vulnerable? Hell no!

Ana got in between us.

"You two guys cool it!" as she backed us off from each other. She looked at Jose. "I thank you for being there for me when I needed you. But, Christian and I need to work some things out. So please, just go. We can get together next week for lunch and talk. Okay?"

Jose looked back at me, as I looked back at him. He leaned down and kissed Ana on her cheek. "Fine. I will go for now. Call me if you need anything."

"I will. Talk to you later, Jose." Ana replied.

She and I watched as Jose walked out the door to leave. She turned her body looking in my eyes.

"How did the talk go with your mother?" she asked softly.

I pulled her in my arms, holding her. "Oh you know...she was disappointed. But, I'm sort of glad it's out there. She doesn't know all the sorted details. I want to keep it that way. I'm sorry about what happened between you and Elena, Ana. I swear to you on my life, I will do what I have to do to protect you. I love you so much, Ana."

"I know you do, and I love you even more. Can we please go home and go to bed. I'm tired." Ana said to me.

"Of course. Let's say goodnight to everyone and head home."

She and I walked hand in hand. We hugged everyone goodbye as we left. It was a silent ride home. I looked over at my Ana as she fell asleep. I'm so lucky to have her in my life. I knew then I was ready for the next step in our life. I want to be with her for the rest of my life. I need to talk to Flynn about everything that just happened tonight.

I was ready to make a commitment for the first time in my life. Ana made me feel safe. I was ready to make her my wife.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2021 ⏰

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