Chapter Twenty-Nine (!)

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You and the gang just got off a five and a half hour flight from Montreal, Canada to Boston, Massachusetts. You had around a three day break before playing another gig, then leaving to New York City.

"Ugh I'm exhausted." You said, entering a rather large hotel room, throwing your bags on the floor.

"Well, luv", he put his arm around your waist, pulling your back side to his body, "how about we try a lil somefing' to help us get us some rest? Eh?" He moved his finger across your jawline, making you look up at his face, which had a grin plastered on it.

"Stuarttt", you wined, "We haven't even been in here for five minutes and really already want to have sex?" You pulled away from his grasp, unzipping your bag.

"I'm sorry I just have fun wif yeuw!" He apologized.

You sighed, "Fine. You'll get your sexual satisfaction either later tonight or tomorrow. Got it?"

"Perfect! I've been waitin' foreva to do dat again. We haven't since dah night before we got off Murdok's ship...fing?" He said like it was a question.

"I know, it's been a long time. No worries, we will be alone for a few days and we can do whatever we want in privacy." You got on your tippy toes, pulling down 2-D by his collar and kiss him. He picked you up, you putting your legs around his waist. After a few kisses, he put you down, his twiggy arms tired from holding you for as long as he did. He put you down and smiled. You smiled back.

He walked over to the kitchen grabbing a beer bottle that he had brought, even though he had just put it in the fridge less then a minute ago. "Uhmm, luv?"

You turned around and faced him,"Yes?"

"When are we going to get some Capri Suns? I luv dose."

You looked down and pinched the bridge of your nose, "You're a man child I swear, what am I going to do with you?"

"Uhh, luv me? An...wot's a man child? Is it when a mum gives birth to a full grown man an' day act like a child still? Dat didn't happen to me." He crossed his arms.

You sighed, "Stuart. It's just being a childish man."

He made a pouty face, "I am nowt!"

"You're acting like-", you sighed knowing this would cause an argument, "okay fine you're not." You couldn't help but laugh a little, "Do you want me to drive you to go get some?"
2-D nodded smiling. You told him you were going out together, not to just get juice boxes.

"Aol right den' luv, were do yeuw wanna go eat?" You walked together, 2-D of course having the juice pouch he's been craving in his hand. People were giving him dirty looks, you didn't blame them honestly. Seeing a blue haired
thirty-year-old man drinking a Capri Sun while walking down the street was a unique sight to see.
"Uhmm I'm not sure. Anywhere you wanna go?"

"Uhmm nowt reallay. Pick wotevea."
You squinted at him. He stepped on his shoelace for the fifth time, almost falling over once more, "Do you want me to tie your shoes before you kill your-" you cut yourself off, thinking of what he had told you what he almost did to himself the other day. You cleared your throat, "I uhhh, yeah I'll tie your shoe." You bent down, tying the laces up, then stood back up, looking up at his face, which for some reason looked concerned, "Wot's wrong luv?"
"Oh nothing, I'm just tired from that five and a half hour flight is all."

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