Chapter Thirty-Seven

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A plane. It was an airplane with that writing on a banner behind it.

"Stuart! We need to alert them now! Hurry!" You started to jump and scream up at the plane.

2-D gasped, "ELP' US!"

Constant screaming and running around somehow caught this pilot's attention.

   When the plane started to ascend, 2-D put his clown mask on, on the side of his head so his face was still completely visible. Cortez perched upon your shoulder. Your greasy hair blew in the artificial winds created by the front propellor of the tiny aircraft. 2-D leaped in excitement and joy. Happy tears ran down his cheeks as he swooped you up from your feet and hugged you chanting, "We are saved!"
    The pilot to the plane opened the door and rushed us inside, "Come! Come!" He said as if he were calling over his dog who had walked a little too far away from where he was supposed to stay. 2-D showed no hesitation and jumped right on in, pulling you and your uncle's beloved pet with him. The door was locked, and the Hispanic pilot took off straight away.

"How far is land from here?" You questioned, preparing for a long, tired flight to wherever you were going.

"Only about...mmm I'd say twenty seven minutes, thirty at the most." What you said next made the poor pilot practically jump from his seat.


2-D's hand held your mouth closed shut. It muffed all of your screams of frustration. He told you to "shhhh" and to "calm down." You tried to break from his grasp but soon gave in and fell down onto his lap.

"Eht's okay now luv, we ar' safe. Don' scare fha poor man flyin' fha' heli."

"2-D, it's a plane."

"Aye...are you that Gorillaz guy...?"


"I! Everyone thinks you're dead!"

2-D perked up, "Dead...? long has et been?"

"Eehh, ever since you got off your little tour, my daughter she loves your music.

"Oh! Dat's nice. Tell her I said ello'."
2-D stared down, deep in thought about nothing in particular. Typical. He hears something freaky and either says nothing and stairs off into space or he has a huge panic attack. And that was all he did for the rest of the ride, while you sobbed for a few minutes in his lap.

* * * *

You arrived at another beach in the country of Mexico. Great, more sand to deal with. A beautiful festival was taking place. After a good long 7 Minutes of thanking the man who saved you, you could finally enjoy the beautiful view that stood before you. Children ran free full of joy in the sand. There were people dancing and music playing. 2-D even got himself a shirt from a fan of his who was kind enough to buy him a new once since he...kind of ate his own.
2-D wondered off somewhere, infatuated by all of the people, sounds, and colors. He hasn't really been around anyone other then you and Murdoc in years. It was like it was a whole new experience to him. You just let him go for a while and decided to enjoy some time with new people as well. You even found a few from America who actually spoke English. Not to mention, there were a lot of free samples going around, which you needed. You and 2-D hadn't had a proper meal in months.

2-D eventually got himself lost, which was expected of him, and sat next to a kids table where they made little friendship bracelets.

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