Gale- A Surprising Hero

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Hello everyone this one shot if of the adorable Gale

Rating-PG 13

Requested by- @-silver-moonlight-

Disclaimer-If you haven't figured it out yet I don't own Fairy Tail

"That was so much fun Lu-chan!" I laughed as I walked out of the club still slightly tipsy from the alcohol.

"Yeah I know right! I can't believe Natsu walked in on Gray and Juvia getting it on!" My best friend Lucy laughed getting into her car.

"Hey Levy-chan you want a ride?" She asked me as she put her keys into the vehicle.

"Nah I think I'm just gonna walk." I answered. I needed some fresh air to sober up. "Hey Lu-chan are you sure you should be driving? You still seem kinda drunk?" I asked for my red faced friend. She was stubborn but I hope she would just walk home with me. Y'know for her own safety.

"Oh I'll be fine!" She laughed.

"Hey Luce how about I drive you home." Natsu said as he grabbed her car keys. "Hey!" She pouted crossing her arms. "Luce, you smell of booze. It would be best if you let me take you home." He sighed hoping she would agree. He seemed fairly sober, well definitely more than Lucy and I. I decided to head home instead of listening to the two argue.

The streets were empty,not a car in sight. While that air was cool. I shivered. I wish I brought a jacket or at least wore longer sleeves.

My dress was a backless orange one that was pretty short. Covered with white polka dots.

 Covered with white polka dots

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I sighed. Now I wish I had talked Lucy into coming with me. I'm starting to get creeped out.

I saw a big guy with piercings apporching me. I quickly walked past him. Thankfully he didn't​do anything, I guess you shouldn't judge someone based off their appearance.

I then was about to walk by an alleyway. Great. I gulped as I prepared for the worst. I quickly shuffled passed it and released the breath I was holding in. Then I felt a hand over my mouth. I tried to scream but it was muffled by a man's hand. He wrapped is arms around my thin waist and pulled me into the alleyway​.

I tried to get away but he grabbed me by hair. I felt tears form in my eyes as he gripped harshly on my wrist. This can't be happening it all must be a bad dream right?!

The man then threw me to the ground. My back hit the hard concrete mixed with dirt and trash. I tried to run but he stomped on my stomach. I looked up at him. Though it was dark, I could tell he had short hair that was most likely blonde, and he wore a sickening smirk on his face.

I felt my stomach flip upside down as he began to look me up and down. "You may not have the curviest figure, but you're still quite gorgeous." He smirked as he looked into my terrified eyes.

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