Stingyu-Criminal Lover (Part 1)

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So this gonna be my first attempt at a multiple part one shot. The longest I plan this being is 3 parts but I might be able to make it into 2

Well I hope you all like it!


Fiore. It's a beautiful and bustling city, filled to the brim with shopping centers and several other businesses.

Many come here seeking work and to start their own business. Others come to shop and gaze at the beautiful skyscrapers and architecture.

But, the city is far from perfect. It has one law the citizens are ordered to obey. That rule is to never leave your house past 10:00 PM.

The reason why is because the city is filled with hundreds maybe even thousands of criminals. Countless gangs roam about during the night. Looking for people to rob, rape, kidnap,and kill.

They are said to be heartless and blood thirsty. But, there is one that is more feared than the others. That is Sabertooth. They are said to be the most vicious and brutal of all the gangs. Showing no signs of humanity in them.

They have the blood of hundreds on their hands. They only come out past 10:00 PM and disappear when the sun rises. This causes the police to have great struggle in arresting any of its members.

The citizens fear for their lives every night! Some have boarded up their doors and windows in fear that Sabertooth will break in.

Schools teach children self defense and armed their personnel just in case the gangs decides to pay a visit. Businesses always close between 8 and 9 if not earlier. But sometimes the citizens don't listen or the tourist don't understand and they go out past 10:00 PM.

One girls name is Yukino Aguria. She's a beautiful girl with silver hair,hazel eyes,a beautiful body, and a shy and innocent personality.

She just moved into Fiore and didn't fully understand the rules. She knew they had a strict curfew but she didn't see why it was so important. The government officials believed it would be best not to give the citizens a large amount of information on the gangs. They say it's for their own safety but many believe they are hiding terrifying information.

Yukino was laying in her bed. Bored out of her mind. She attempted to fall asleep but just couldn't bring herself to. She didn't know why but she felt unusually restless. Normally she was the early to bed, early to rise kind of girl, but tonight wasn't the case. She glanced over at her alarm clock and saw it was 10:45 PM.

She let out an annoyed sigh. "It figures that it would be past 10." She thought to herself as she gazed out her window. She lived in a decent apartment building. She was lucky enough to be able to snag a room on the sixth floor. The highest floor. She even has a cute little balcony!

She never understood why such a beautiful city could be such a terrifying place once nightfall arrived. She took a sip from the warm milk she had at her bedside. In hopes that the urge to slumber would hit.

She layed there for another twenty minutes until she finally couldn't take it anymore. "I'm not going to be a coward like everyone else is in this city." She muttered as she changed from her simple white nightgown and into a cute but comfortable blue t-shirt and a pair of skinny jeans.

"Hopefully I'll be able to find some place still opened." She thought as she slipped on her pair of sandals. She checked herself in the mirror and brushed her slightly messy hair. "Just in case I run into another person." She thought naively as she made herself look presentable. She grabbed her purse and existed her apartment.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2017 ⏰

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