Graylu-The Girl on his Front Steps

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Hello everyone so this one-shot is Graylu and I'm sorry if it's not really good I'm not very good at writing about Graylu but I'll do my best 😅

I also have a new Inuyasha fanfiction I just started, it's going to be a darker kind of fanfic but I would really appreciate it if you'd check it out 😊

Chapter requested by- Dstarme

Disclaimer-I still don't own Fairy Tail 😭


Gray stomped through the snow furiously. Today might have been the worst day of work ever! His asshole of a boss just lowered his pay and raised his working hours!

Gray continued his way on home. Sending death glares to everyone around him. He made it to his apartment when saw something that surprised him. A young woman. She was sleeping on the footsteps leading up to his apartment. Gray rolled his eyes annoyed at the sleeping stranger.

"Hey you think you could maybe get out of the way!" Gray shouted, but to his surprise he got no response. She didn't even move a muscle. "Uh hey did you hear me?" Gray ask starting to get worried. He looked at her appearance and noticed that her lips and fingertips were blue!

"Oh my God!" Gray panicked and quickly wrapped his jacket around her still figure and carried her into his apartment (bridal style 😏).

He layed her on his couch and grabbed an armful of blankets. He wrapped her now shivering figure in the warm blankets.

"Please wake up, please wake up!" Gray panicked as he lite the fireplace.

After five minutes she finally started moving, and soon her eyes fluttered open. "Oh thank Mavis." Gray sighed with relief as he helped her sit up.

"Um w-who the hell are you?!" The now awake blonde asked as she began to panic. "Hey don't worry I didn't kidnap you or something like that! In fact I actually saved you from freezing to death." Gray said crossing his arms. "What's your name?" She asked staring at him with her chocolate brown eyes. Gray blushed when his eyes made contact with hers. "Oh uh i-it's Gray. Gray Fullbuster." She smiled and said. "That's one unique name! My name's Lucy...Just Lucy." 

Just then she noticed how cold she was. She wrapped her body in more of the blankets. "Uh G-Gray c-coukd y-you get m-m-me some more b-blankets...please. She shivered burying herself further into the blankets. "Oh, those are all the blankets I own. Sorry." 

"W-what really? H-how do you n-not have a-anymore blankets?!" She yelled frustrated, but went quiet when she felt a sudden warmth. "G-Gray w-what the h-heck are you d-doing?!" She blushed and tried to pull away from him. But he keep his grip tight around the girl and refused to let go. "I'm warming you up, duh." He simply said pressing body against hers. "B-but I don't e-even know you! Why would you save a s-stranger?!" Now she wasn't stuttering because she was cold. Oh no, she was stuttering due to embarrassment.

"Well you were passed out on my front steps and anyways why the hell were you there?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

Lucy jumped at his question. "T-that's none of your concern!" She yelled finally escaping his grip. "Uh hell yeah it's of my concern. You better tell me or else!" 

"Or else what?" 

"Or else I'll...I'll tickle you." He said with a devilish smirk.

"You wouldn't dare." She glared.

"Oh I would." He smirked and jumped on top of her. He first started tickling her feet then moved on to her stomach. 

"S-stop it G-Gray!" She laughed out in pain.

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