Lories-In Love With A Playboy

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Hello everyone~ I have another one shot here and this one is Lories so yeah it's pretty damn long 😅 I hope you'll like it 😘

Couple- Loke/Leo x Aries


Fairy Tail belongs to the lovely Hiro Mashima and not to a nobody like me 😢


-Third person POV-

The sun shined brightly over the famous Fairy Tail High. Students were sitting outside, under trees and sitting on benches eating their lunch. Everyone was chatting away with their friends, except for one girl. This girls name is Aries. She's​ a shy girl who doesn't have many friends but she is as sweet as can be. Her bright pink hair made her easy to spot.

She sat down, alone under a cherry blossom tree. She ate her lunch quietly as she read a book.

"Hey Aries!" Someone called out. Aries turned away from her book and locked eyes with her only male friend, Leo. She was the only one at school to refer to him as Leo. Everyone else called him by his nickname, Loke. He only allowed her to call him that.

"Oh hello Leo how are you?" She smiled placing her bookmark in between the pages of the book. "I'm okay, just thought you looked kind of lonely." He stated sitting down beside her.

Aries blushed and turned away. You see, she has had this huge crush on him ever since they meet. Which was in kindergarten. But Leo was a playboy. He was constantly flirting or dating different girls every single day.

He has dated almost every single girl in the school. There were only a few he didn't date at least once. One of those girls was Aries. He never once asked her out on a date not has he ever flirted with her. Almost every single girl in the school wanted Leo for them selves. They were constantly throwing themselves at him and begging for him to love them etc.

Leo never stayed with a girl long. The longest he remained with a girl was for five months​. That girl was named Lucy Heartfilia. But Lucy was the one to end the relationship. She said she had feelings for another boy named Natsu. Leo tried to win her back but eventually gave up. He realized that Lucy only loved Natsu. Aries was by his side the entire time. She comforted him and supported him even though it hurt her heart. Fortunately, Lucy was friends with both Leo and Aries and she knew of Aries's feelings. She's supported Aries and always told her that Leo had feelings for her. He was just to dense to see them.

Leo eventually got over Lucy and chased after other girls. He tried to ask one Aries few friends Juvia Lockser out. But she was too in love with a boy named Gray, so she rejected him.

He tried to ask out the scariest girl in school. Erza Scarlet but she was secretly dating Jellal Fernandez. So Leo just dated random girls. There was one named Jenny another named Millianna and so on.

He was currently in a relationship with a girl named Karen. Karen was one of the schools cheerleaders. She was popular and beautiful. But she was one of Aries's bullies. She would constantly tease Aries over her crush on Leo and bully her for every little thing. But Aries didn't tell Leo any of this, because he's been with Karen for three months and she didn't want him to go through any more heartbreak.

The two sat and talked about their day. Leo talked about Karen while Aries stayed quiet and smiled. Today Karen had harassed her when she came to school. But she decided not to say anything about it to anyone.

The two talked until the bell rang and everyone started rushing to class. "I gotta go Aries. Maybe I'll be able to walk you home!" He said as he ran off to his next class. Aries gathered her things and placed them back into her bag. She started to walk to her class. She was about halfway there but was stopped.

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