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you: hey i need ur help

larp dude: Uhm, who are you??

you: dude.... it's me... larp kid... tiago!!!
you: u accidentally txted me???
you: my name's tiago, btw
you: if you didn't catch that.

larp dude: I thpught you promised to get rid of my number!!

you: i made no such promise and never will

larp dude: !!!!!!!!


larp dude: Awhhh look at the wittle kitty

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larp dude: Awhhh look at the wittle kitty....
larp dude: Fiiiine!! What do you want?

you: sick!! okay, so i'm in my senior year of hs, and for our final project in english we need to write a super super good narrative story....

larp dude: And ??

you: i was thinking you could tell me ur whole story with the larp thing and the saving the universe dealio..
[READ 3:48 PM]
you: awh come on!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[READ 3:49 PM]

𝐓𝐄𝐗𝐓 𝐌𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐀𝐆𝐄𝐒  ,     hunk garrett Where stories live. Discover now