twenty five

457 46 40


you: not to burst ur bubbles but i think ur homedog is in trouble

unknown: Is the homedog you, Tiago?

you: bruh who you be ???

unknown: Sorry, this is Pidge. I fixed my phone but all my contacts got erased.

you: thats something an alien would say

daddy: it's okay, Tiago, it's Pidge.

hunk, just hunk 💯: I can support what Shiro said.

you: okay, "pidge", but im still watching you

unknown: -_-

ya like jazz?: can you just get on with it

you: k slow ur role, keith, idk if the claims are legit

sharpshooter: what claims ???
sharpshooter: and btw, my name better not be pants still !!

you: it is

sharpshooter: pants does not rhyme with lance !!!!

you: yes it does, i'll fite you on this !!
you: and it's not btw,so calm urself

daddy: guys, focus.
daddy: what were you talking about, Tiago?

you: huh??

ya like jazz?: the claims you dingus

you: oh ye!!! well, there were leaked military files. at least, if they're not faked they are. they were basically talking about how they just didn't have enough resources to hold them off anymore, and had to prepare for invasion.

unknown: Who's them?

you: that's the thing, no one knows. some people speculate that it's north korea, or russia, but the way they talk about i don't think it's anyone from earth.

hunk, just hunk 💯: Wait....

sharpshooter: are you saying aliens are invading earth ???

you: more specifically, galra

sharpshooter: eXcUsE mE, WHAT ?!???

unknown: Why would the Galra invade Earth?

galra: quiznak

hunk, just hunk 💯: What??! Tiago, are you somewhere safe???

you: can you guys shush,

daddy: Tiago is right, we need to stay calm.
daddy: how do you know it's the galra that plan on an invasion, if anyone at all?

you: i mean... it makes sense, doesnt it ???
you: the letter was super vague, as if it DID get out, they wouldnt want anyone to know
you: like, extra precautions... the government has been hiding the secret of aliens forever, everyone knows that
you: and if the galra were to attack anywhere to get to the paladins of voltron, the greatest weapons in the universe, where would they attack ???

sharpshooter: earth, our home planet...

you: exactly

unknown: Hm, it makes sense.

ya like jazz?: but what if this is all a hoax

hunk, just hunk 💯: But what if it isn't, and Tiago is in serious danger?

sharpshooter: along with literally everyone else on earth

daddy: you all are right, but we can't be sure what the galra are doing.

ya like jazz?: then whats next boss

daddy: let's tell Coran and Princess Allura about this, and try to see what the galra are up to.
daddy: we'll message you when we have something, Tiago.

you: okay, just.... be quick... this is actually pretty freaky

hunk, just hunk 💯: Just sit tight, Tia.

𝐓𝐄𝐗𝐓 𝐌𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐀𝐆𝐄𝐒  ,     hunk garrett Where stories live. Discover now