thirty five

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Tiago groaned tiredly, placing a hand over her face

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Tiago groaned tiredly, placing a hand over her face. She didn't understand how this kept happening. It was beginning to get a bit ridiculous, even to her.

"No, Coran, you can only place a card down if it's the same color or number as the previous one," Tiago informed. The Korean girl was experienced with patience, except when it came to repetitive things.

"This is hopeless," Coran cried. "Why is the game called Uno, anyway? I don't recognize that word in the English language."

"Uno is in a different language, Spanish. It means one."

"Oh. So I should place down a one?" Coran grinned happily, pulling a blue card from his hand and placing it in the pile. The previous card had been a red seven.

"Yeah, sure," Tiago sighed. Keith stifled a laugh from his spot on a beanbag chair, quickly turning back to Zoey 101 when Tiago glared at him. The young woman calmed down when she remembered Coran would probably get irritated with her if he tried to teach her any Altean games.

Their game was interrupted by a knock on the door, snapping Tiago out of her bubble of quietness. It was only now she realized that if she listened carefully, she could hear other college students talking rapidly. Everyone seemed to finally be done hunkering down.

"Coran, Keith, go over there!" Tiago whispered, pointing next to her desk. She then dusted off her jacket, standing in front of her door in such a way that whoever was on the other side wouldn't be able to see the sleeping Allura. 

She quickly cleared her throat and then opened the door, no wider than her face.

In front of her stood two police officers, a bit taller than Shiro. They stared unblinking at Tiago, their scrutinizing eyes focused as if they were looking deep into her soul.

"Um, hello, officers," Tiago greeted. They finally blinked, and released a smile that made the college freshman sigh in relief.

"Hello. Ms. Tiago Costello, is it?" The one on the right said in monotone.


"I'm Officer Pines, and this is my partner, Officer Diaz," he pointed to the one on the left. "We're just making sure all students are safe and accounted for."

"Oh, well, nothing to worry about, officers. I'm perfectly fine... and accounted for," Tiago stuttered. This felt odd to her. Surely there were some students off campus, everyone here was an adult, after all. Why did they expect everyone to be in their dorms?

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