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Tiago looked out to the expansive darkness before her, her arms crossed and a peaceful sigh escaping her lips. To her left a large galaxy shone brightly, dozens of inhabited planets speeding forward. To her right was pure blackness, not a sign of life present.

Even from the viewing deck of the Altean castle, she could still tell space could be warm and cold. Full and empty. Full of life and lifeless. Even so, she still made it. After five years, she was experiencing the view she cried every night for.

Tiago hummed in pleasure as a large set of arms wrapped around her waist, the owner of the limbs pulling her flush against their stomach.

"Hey, Hunkie," she mumbled, placing her hands on his.

"Hey, Ti," he responded, placing his chin onto her petite shoulder.

"Was there enough taco salad for everyone?" The now twenty-four year old girl questioned, and the twenty-two year old nodded.

"Everyone says thank you. Coran loved it, but Allura not so much. And then Keith ate most of the mashed potatoes for some reason. At least there's a few extra baked potatoes left over for down the road."

Tiago closed her eyes, listening to his rambles as if it was the sound of angels singing. She nearly fell asleep in his arms, but before she could his thumb began trailing over the indent in her skin.

The deep, long scar placed on the top of her right arm no longer bothered her like it did three years ago. When she first got it, she was too scared to tell anyone about what had happened.

She should have listened to Keith all those years ago during her freshman year of college, about the Men in Black. She never expected Officer Pines and Officer Diaz to show up in her college dorm in the middle of the night, knives in hand and guns holstered to their waist.

She knew too much, is what they said. They had to kill her, so, they sliced up her arm. Their mistake was that they thought she was weak, and thought she would bleed out on the floor. Her death was supposed to look like an accident, maybe even suicide.

How foolish they were, thinking they could kill a girl whose strength emitted from the hope she could see her family again. It took her three years to do it, but Tiago was welcomed far beyond her solar system, with the MIB organization in shambles behind her.

Hunk stared at the scar sadly, before raising her arm and kissing it softly. "I'm glad Shiro finally decided you were ready."

"Yeah, it just took five years, a bachelor's degree in engineering, and me being attacked every week," Tiago giggled. Hunk didn't share in her laughter, squeezing her in worry. Tiago noticed this, and intertwined their fingers.

"I'm okay, Hunk," she whispered. "You can protect me now."

"I don't think you need anyone protecting you now." It was his turn to chuckle, and he began blushing profusely. A loud shout suddenly sounded from the hallway, a certain two paladins screaming at one another. "Keith and Lance are at it again."

"I noticed," Tiago rolled her eyes. They rarely fought anymore, but when they did it was loud. The couple pulled away from one another, sharing a heartfelt kiss before Tiago went to break up the fight between her brother and the Purple Paladin. "I'm just glad to finally be in space!"

"I'm glad you're here too, babe."


Augh, I'm really sad this is ending, Tiago is my little baby girl who deserves much more than one book. Unfortunately that's all she's getting though :").

Yes, Tiago did end up with Hunk! It was never my intention for her to have a love interest (or at least not make it the centerpiece), but they were so cute. I think it worked out well.

I might write one-shots on Tiago once in awhile, over at my one-shot book. I really wanna write one where Tunk has a lil baby but idk.

That's all I can think of to say :"))). Thank you all for the reads, votes, and comments, they mean the world to me!

Buh bye!!

𝐓𝐄𝐗𝐓 𝐌𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐀𝐆𝐄𝐒  ,     hunk garrett Where stories live. Discover now