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hello akakianajsjjwna never thought i would come back to this book lmao. but this is just an old one shot i wrote back in 2017, which takes place about 2 or 3 years after the epilogue.

im deleting my drafts and didnt wanna get rid of this so i might as well put it here 🤪


Sharp cries bounced off of the bedroom walls, screams sounding out for help, or attention, or anything at all. Tiago stirred in her sleep, her eyes groggily opening to find the dark abyss of night staring back at her.

She went to sit up, only to find her boyfriend's arms holding her tightly. He snuggled his face into the back of her neck, not wanting to let her go. "Hunk, I have to go get Omirelle," the mother grumbled, her voice husky from the sleep.

"No, no," Hunk responded quietly. "I got her, you deserve rest."

"Hunk, it's been a month since I've given birth. I'm not as tired as I was the day it happened." Hunk ignored Tiago's protests, already up and waddling towards the Altean crib their friend Allura had gifted them. He turned up the lights only a smidgen, just enough to be able to see.

Hunk's hair fell into his eyes as looked over the side of the crib, his daughter immediately ceasing her cries as she caught sight of her tired father. He managed to smile softly as he picked her up, her playful coos beginning as she was carried closer towards her mother. With Tiago now sat up, she made room for Hunk as he sat next to her, on her side of the bed.

Omirelle had both her mother and father's physical features. Her skin tone was only a bit lighter than Hunk's (not light enough where she was as pale as Tiago), and dark curls already sprung from her scalp. While at that moment she had brown eyes, her parents guessed they would soon turn green due to that color creeping up her irises.

She was a beautiful baby of both Korean and Samoan descent, a gift and blessing to Tiago and Hunk's world.

"Who's my favorite daughter?" Hunk asked, kissing Omirelle's nose. The baby giggled gleefully, grabbing onto Hunk's finger and not letting go.

The smiles faded as sniffles could be heard from Tiago, and Hunk looked over worriedly to his girlfriend. Tiago's face was shoved into the palms of her hands, and her hunched back shook as loud sobs poured from her mouth. A confused hum came from Omirelle, and Hunk situated her so she was being cradled in his arms.

"Babe, what's wrong?" Hunk hadn't seen Tiago cry this way since eight years ago, before they were even together. She had been on her knees, begging to Shiro not to leave her behind. Both cries were full of emotion, which drifted over to Hunk as he was filled with the same feelings.

The man didn't have time to blink as Tiago threw her arms around him, Omirelle pushed comfortably between their chests. In response, Hunk used one arm to wrap around her side.

"I love you both so much!" She sobbed. The worry fled from Hunk's soul, and he closed his eyes as he dug his face into Tiago's shoulder. He smiled deeply, any weight upon him being lifted away.

Omirelle cooed to her mother's claim, and Hunk nodded in agreement,

"I love you too."

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