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Tiago couldn't tell you anything about the rest of the battle

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Tiago couldn't tell you anything about the rest of the battle. With her head tucked into her knees in the blackness of the back room of the Green Lion, all she could hear were the ringing explosions of ships, the whooshes of a sword, and the clanking of metal against metal.

It only lasted an hour, or maybe it was merely a few minutes. She only knew it was over when a boom so loud that it vibrated her core could be heard, followed by the cheering of a certain five paladins.

A pulling force could be felt as Voltron's puzzle pieces separated, all five Lions coming to rest in the crumbled bed of poinsettias. "Tiago, come on! The team is waiting for us!"

With stiff joints, the college girl grasped at Pidge's hand, and the two walked out of the Green Lion together. Outside, the sun had begun to set, basking the Earth in a beautiful glow. Ash and debris fell serenely to the ground around them, wrapping the crumpled flowers up in a blanket of darkness.

The college was no longer silent of students. Choruses of cries of joy could be heard from inside, making the atmosphere radiate pride and the proof that humankind would carry on no matter the circumstances.

The creaking of a door came next, and two Alteans walked out with large grins. With Allura's arm draped around his shoulders, Coran walked up to the other six proudly.

"Well done, Paladins," he congratulated. "You too, Tiago. We couldn't of done this without you."

The aforementioned girl smiled sheepishly, thanking him with a sudden exuberance.

"How're you doing, Princess?" Shiro asked the bright-eyed Allura, who nodded gratefully.

"Wonderfully. Tiago has some surprisingly comfortable blankets."

"That's good, because we need to leave the Milky Way as soon as possible."

Tiago's eyes widened at the Black Paladin's words, and she turned to him furiously. "What? You can't leave already, you just got here yesterday!"

"The longer we're here the more danger Earth and every single human is in danger," Shiro responded swiftly and sternly. Despite the sadness flooding his eyes, it could not override his need to protect everything near and dear to his heart.

Tiago knew he was right. She thought about her parents and every single person in the college behind her, and realized she couldn't be that selfish, not matter how much she wanted to.

So instead, she threw herself to her knees and looked to the ground in shame. Sobs escaped her body, her ruffled hair shielding her face.

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