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unknown: hi.

you: look bucko, last time someone i didnt know messaged me all my alien conspiracy theories went out the window

unknown: what were they?

you: thst all aliens are green and probe people in various holes just b/c they dont have sex holes themselves
you: but no, instead a powerful race named the galra rule the universe and life got more depressing tbh

unknown: okay... anyways, my name is Shiro.
unknown: you may know my friend Hunk?

you: hunk !!! love that guy
you: and damn shiro coulda messaged me sooner
you: hunk makes you sound like some overlord

unknown: uhm, right... i was just wondering how the story was going?

you: a-okay
you: i mean, it only has a few hundred reads collectively

unknown: quiznak!

you: i mean, all we can get, right???

unknown: exactly.

𝐓𝐄𝐗𝐓 𝐌𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐀𝐆𝐄𝐒  ,     hunk garrett Where stories live. Discover now