Chapter 10: Murder.

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Yandere walked around the dark streets. Even if it was lighten by the street lamps.. The light wasn't enought to fill the whole place.

She walks around Funneh's neighborhood. Looking for her Home to murder her.

Funneh was one of Senpai's oldest friends that Funneh couldn't remember.

Because she was too young. She doesn't even know her old friends names.

Suddenly.. Senpai walked down the streets with a Girl hanging on his shoulders.

The Girl looked drunk and flirted with Senpai.

"You know Senpai.. You are.. *hic* very... Hands.. Ome.." The girl continued hiccing as her cheeks where a flush of red.

Yandere was jealous and hate took over her.

She wants to kill that person.

"You know Shine.. I only carried you because you live close to me." Senpai shrugs. He also looks like Drunk too.

Yandere hid behind a trashcan with her knife on her hand.

She watches the scenery of how Senpai carried this 'Shine' girl to her house and he goes home.

Shine's parents where there.

"Prepare to Die." She whispered and ran away back to her abode.

On Funneh's house..

They stayed up late for playing Video Games. Senpai wasn't there because he was invited to a bar by his friends to hang out. So he had to Leave.

In Funneh's room. She has all the luxury an life of a Gamer's dream. Every controller she had it.

She's from a rich family and the only child.

She can get anything she wants.

"Im Gunna Beat You!" Said the competitive Funneh to Kyran.

As they Played. Evan and Alec sat on the Computer with this Game called League of Legends. There where two actually.

As for the two other Girls.. Valerie and Gold.

They layed on Funneh's looking like Royal sized bed.

Enjoying the Fastest ever Wifi that they had in their life.

"Funneh! You didn't tell us you where Filthy Rich!" Gold exclaimed while taking selfies with Valerie.

"Meh.. I feel bored when I show who truly I am. So, hush your mouths about me." Funneh explained while her eyes stayed on the screen pressing random buttons on the controller.

With her tounge sticking out. Desperate to Win.

"And I WIN AGAIN!" She raises her fists and drops the Controller on her bean bag.

"No Fair! I want a A REMATCH!" Kyran complained pressing the Restart button.

"Kyran. You can't beat me. I'm the dazzling demon hunter of this game. Not to brag but I.. Once won the Nationals!" Funneh stood proudly.

"What ever. I dont care if this is the third time. I just want to Beat you!" Kyran groans and activated his Fury and.D E T E R M I N A T I ON.

"Okay.. But I won't accept a re match if you lose again. My fingers are numb already." She rolls her eyes and focuses in the game.

Kyran is now competitive. Its an RPG game. Their Characters crossed paths as the Battle Begun.

Kyran's character is an Ice Wizard. While Funneh is a Dryad.

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