Chapter 14: More than...

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Months after.. Yandere High is now in peace. There where no suspicious events or actions in the school. No murders nor crimes.

Alec and Funneh seemed to be a little close to each other now. Gold and her lives with Kyran after loosing their dorm cause of too much hype with their credit cards.

Alec didn't have a dorm anymore.. His parents where not doing well. And they're having financial problems because of Divorce.. But there's one chance to bring back their family all together again.

His father wanted to train him. Transfer him to a.. Military school.

He didn't like that one bit. He didn't agree with that. Now his Mother is suffering.

Valerie and Senpai are now dating. The murderer was nowhere to be found.

Little did they know.. Something big is coming up.

"GOOOOLLLDD!!" Funneh yelled waking her friend up.

"I'm Awake! i'm Awake!" She jolted up frantically after hearing her friend calling her.

Now they're living with Kyran. Their dorm was taken from them.

"Morning Sleepyhead!" Funneh greeted with a smirk to gold while her hair was a lot of mess.

"Ugh.. You're Early." Gold rolled her eyes and chuckled. When she smells fresh cooked goodies in the kitchen. She pushed funneh out of her way and saw..


"Yo!" He greeted. Wearing a chef hat, Topless, and Funneh's cooking apron.

"What the heck is this Blue Green idiot doing here!?" Gold exclaimed seeing Evan's view.

"HEY THAT'S MY APRON!" Yelled Funneh behind. When Evan walked up to her.

"YOU LET ME USE IT!" Evan whined as Funneh growled at him.

Gold giggled as the two argue. But then.. Kyran arrived stumbling down the stairs. He just woke up and still wearing his Pj's on.

"I'm Okay!" He said. And stood up with an awkward smile.

It was a moment of silence. Funneh jumped to the couch carrying Lays chips and turning on the TV.

"Woah! Who made these!?" Kyran's eyes shone excitedly. Seeing Bacon, Toast, and Eggs served on the Table.

Funneh.. While munching chips.. Pointed her finger to Evan with a dirty look.

"Oh. You're here." Said Kyran with an annoyed tone and a plain poker face to Evan.

"Why are you here." Added Kyran.

Evan scratches the back of his head.

"I figured you guys can't really Cook.." A sight flush of red appeared in his cheeks as he glanced looking at Funneh.

Whom is seriously getting hypnotized by the TV.

"Oh... I see what's going on~" Gold smirks and started to elbow Evan.

Kyran rolled his eyes and sat grabbing a plate from the counter.

"What ever.. I'm not gonna interfere and let hunger come over me." Explained as he started eating.

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