Chapter 11: Fool

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The weekend ended and it was school time again.


Funneh got back to their Dorms. Gold was relieved to see Funneh healthy again. She just smiles.

Now its time to gather with the other YH students for the Monday Morning ceremony. Full of Announcement that they have been never ever interested in.

Funneh was waiting for the principal to talk about the cheerleading squad's leader.

Valerie stood at the stage because of the position as Student Council President.

She was standing there nervously.

"Students of Yandere High.. Please listen." Finally the interesting part is here. Other students stopped about their gossips about the killed Shine Schneidger girl..

"As for your safety.. We will install recording Security Cameras around the whole school. Even for the dorms.. And for donations of a student's death." The principal pauses and bows her head for a whole minute as the other students followed.

"Schneigder's family is now accepting donations for her funeral.. May she rest in peace." She ended the Announcement as the people went wild. Gossips everywhere..

It was chaos and hella Noisy for Funneh. Until someone reached to pat her shoulder. She slowly turns.

"Eyyo!" It was Evan and Kyran. Gold was somewhere around stuck the Vending machine again for coffee.

"Hey Guys. What's up?" Funneh asks normally this time. She smiles.

"Eh.. Where's Gold?" Kyran looks behid Funneh and around the Auditorium. She was nowhere.

"Probably stuck in that Mine bucks Coffee Machine ag--" Funneh didn't finished her sentence seeing Gold after turning around with her Uniform stained with coffee and pale like she has seen a Ghost.

"Gold what's wrong?" Funneh shakes her bestfriend's head.

She looks so Pale and she was trembling.

Gold's eyes where smaller. Seemed like it shrinked.

"Gold You Okay?" Kyran tugs slight amount of Gold's hair but she just stood there.

This is..

"Weird.." Evan bits his lip and waves his hand infront of Gold's face.

"Hey Goldie Locks.. Why are you so pale that its like you've seen a Ghost?" Evan laughs a little to enlighten up the mood.

"D-dead.. B-b-body of.. S-student.." She trembled and about to cry.

Funneh's eyes widened a little as Evan and Kyran exchanged looks.

"What?" They both say in unison.

"Dead.." Gold cried. And her legs where shaking abnormally. Valerie approaches and sees them.

"Hi <3" She smiles and waves using her hand with a peace sign.

"Valerie.. Gold's acting odd." Funneh explained.

Valerie looks at Gold and her eyes comepletely widened.

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