Cameron Dallas---Being Sick On Your Anniversary

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Imagine being sick and your boyfriend, Cameron Dallas, comes over to keep you company.
"Are you sure you'll be okay sweetie?" your mom asks you. "Yes mom I'll be just fine you go to work. I'll just be laying right here in my bed all day," you reply.

"Okay. There's some chicken noodle soup in the refrigerator that I cooked last night for you if you get hungry," she says. "Thanks," you say.

Your mom leans over your bed and gently kisses your forehead. "I'll be back around seven tonight. Love you," she says. "Love you too mom," you reply. With that she walks out of your room closing your door behind her.

You let out a sigh rolling onto your side. You close your eyes feel yourself drift off to sleep.

You had woken up this morning with a fever and a sore throat. Of course the world had made you get sick on today of all days. Today was your one year anniversary of dating your boyfriend, Cameron Dallas, and you wouldn't even get to see him in the hallway of your high school let alone get to go on the special date he had planned for you two. You had been upset when he refused to tell you what he was going to do, but now you were even more upset since you were sick and would not be able to enjoy what ever it was.

You blink awake and instantly feel two strong arm wrapped around your waist. You back was pressed against someone's chest. You raise your head a little to see your boyfriend looking down at you smiling.

"Cameron? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at school?" you ask with a sleepy voice. "I couldn't let my baby girl be home alone when she's sick especially on our anniversary," he replies.

"Oh yeah I'm sick forgot that for a second. You shouldn't be cuddling with me or you'll get sick too," you say trying to wiggle out of his grasp. He holds you tighter making it impossible for you to escape. "I rarely get sick, you know that, and quite frankly I don't care if I get sick. I'll hold my princess whenever I want to," he says. You give a slight giggle at how cute your boyfriend is. "So you're not gonna let go are you?" you ask. "Nope," he replies popping the p.

"Alright just don't get mad at me when you get sick," you say. He looks at you taken back a little. "What?" you ask. "How could I ever get mad at you? You're perfect," he asks. "I don't know everyone gets made at everyone at some time or another," you reply. "Well you getting me sick ia not a reason why I should get mad at you," he says. You roll your eyes at how your boyfriend always takes everything so seriously.

You two lay there in a comfortable silence as you trace random shapes on his bicep.

"Oh how could I forget," Cameron suddenly says getting off the bed and going over to where his backpack was laying on the floor. "What?" you ask. "I got you somethin'," he replies.

He climbs back onto your bed holding a small box in his hand. "Happy anniversary baby girl!" he says handing you the box. You take it and open it up revealing a necklace with an infinity symbol on it."I love it!" you say happily.

"I wanted to give you something that would show you how much I love you. The lady at the jewelry store told me that an infinity symbol ment never ending love. And that's how much I love you an infinite amount.  My love for you will never run out. It will always be there," he says.

You have tears in your eyes by the time he had finished talking. "I love you too!" you say wrapping your arm around his neck and giving him a long hug.

When you finally pull away from his embrace he takes the necklace from your hands. "Here let me put it on you," he says. You turn around and grab your hair from the back of your head pulling it the front of your body so that it won't get in the way. He fastens the clasp. You touch it with your fingers and look back at him.

"Do you know how perfect you are?" you ask him. "I'm far from perfect babe," he replies. "No you're absolutely perfect to me," you say. "Well I'm happy that you think so," he says.

"Now how about we watch a movie so you can get some rest?" he asks. You nod your head and grab the television remote from your nightstand. You turn it on and go to Netflix. You two pick out a movie and go back to cuddling.

April 9 2017

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