Shawn Mendes ( Requested )

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*Requested by Zozo0515. Hope you enjoy!*

Surprise me.

"Deep breath Y/N. Take a deep breath," your best friend instructs you. "I can't I'm meeting Shawn Mendes. How are you even able to breath right now?" you ask her.

"Maybe cause I'm not crazy over him like you are. I like his a couple of his songs but that's it," she says shrugging. "I can't believe you right now," you say sending her a death glare. "Sorry hun but that's just how it is," she replies.

You roll your eyes as the large security guard yells for the next girl to meet him. "That's you," your best friend says. "I know. Do you have the ring pop?" you ask her. You had asked her to hold onto it since she always carries a purse and you don't. "Yes," she takes it out of her small purse and hands it to you, "and please try not to faint," she calls after you as you walk into the small room with your idol.

You walk behind the curtain and see The Shawn Mendes standing right in front of you.

Suddenly he looks up from signing pictures and catches your eye. He immediately smiles at you. This small gesture makes tons of butterflies swarm in your stomach.

You slowly walk up to him feeling as if you are dreaming. "Hello Love. What's your name?" he asks. You open your mouth to speak but aren't able to get any words out. After a few more attempts you finally whisper,  "I'm Y/N."

"Nice to meet you Y/N. May I say that you look very pretty?" he asks looking you up and down.

The room starts to spin as you process the fact that Shawn Mendes had just complimented you.

Gaining some confidence you say, "you may if I can say you look very handsome." He smiles at you once more giving a small chuckle. He then shakes his head still laughing.

You walk over to him and he gives you a big hug. His strong arms wrapped around you holding on to you tightly almost like he regretted the moment he had to let you go.

As you both pull away from the embrace he asks, "what pose would you like Darling?" "Umm I brought a ring pop. And I was hoping that you could propose to me with it," you ask nervously. He only smirks at you and says, "sure."

You hand one of the tour staff your phone and Shawn whispers something in their ear. They smile at him and walk a ways back to get both of you in the picture.

Being human you are naturally curious about what he told them but it is soon forget when Shawn swiftly kneels down onto one knee taking your left hand in his big one.

"Y/N we may have just met but I really like you already. I can tell that you have a very cute personality. Not to mention that you're drop dead gorgeous. Your smile is slowly killing me every time I see it. Your eyes are so beautiful I could just get lost in them forever. The way you looked at me when I complemented you was so adorable. Plus you give the absolute best hugs I have ever had. I feel like we had a sudden connection since the moment our eyes connected. I know this may seem sudden but I've Y/N will you let me take you on a date so I can get to know you better? It's okay if you don't want to just tell me that and I'll understand," he asks looking up at you and into your eyes.

Feeling like you may actually faint from your celebrity crush asking you out you do what any fan girl would do in this situation and nod your head.

He slips the ring pop onto your finger and stands up giving you a huge hug. "I'm so happy you said yes," he whispers into your hair.

Pulling away from the hug he walk over to the table filled with his pictures and quickly writes down his number then hands it to you.

"Text me Love and we'll figure out the details then. Right now I got a whole bunch of other girls I gotta meet. Just know that none of them will compare to you," he says smiling.

The staff hands you back your phone still smiling at you both. You take it in your hands and turn back to face Shawn.

"Okay I'll do that. Bye Shawn," you say walking out of the small room.

"Bye Y/N," he calls.

Still in a daze you stand outside of the room thinking about what had just happened.

"Hey! How'd it go?" your best friend asks. You smile a dreamlike smile at her and say, "he may or may not have asked me out."

"What! No way!" she says. "Yeah see this is his number," you hold out the photo.

"And look at the picture," you say unlocking your phone. Only then did you notice that the staff had took a video of the whole purposel.

You show your best friend the video and she gives you a big hug.

"Omg! I can't believe this! Your so lucky. I wish that my celebrity crush would ask me out," she squeals. "Yeah I guess I am," you whisper.

May 13 2017

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