Hayes Grier ( The One You All Voted On )

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Imagine being in your first period class at school.

The bell had just rung when your teacher walked in the classroom door. "Okay class take out your textbooks and turn to page eight hundred and twenty two," your teacher said setting his bag down on his desk.

Everyone around you let out irritated groans. Considering the fact that it was the very first period on a Monday what more could you expect.

You slowly took your textbook out of your backpack. Letting out a small yawn you placed the heavy book on your desk.  As you open it to the assigned page you suddenly grow sick. 

You quickly raise your hand and your teacher calls on you. "Yes Ms. Y/L/N?" your teacher asks. "I think I'm gonna throw up," you reply. "Okay quickly go to the bath-" your teacher says but doesn't get to finish since you stood up and ran out of the classroom holding your stomach.

All eyes were on you but you didn't care. Your main concern was to get to the bathroom and puke out everything you had for breakfast. You ran down the long hallway and into the girls bathroom.

Finally arriving at a toilet you got on your knees and hung your head over it puking out the contents of your stomach. You wipe your mouth with the back of your hand afterwards as you start to feel better.

Standing up you use your foot to flush the toilet. You then walk over to the sink and wash your hands. After drying your hands with the hand dryer you slowly walk back to your classroom.

You enter the classroom to once again have every eye be upon you. "Ms. Y/L/N here a hall pass. You need to go to the nurse," your teacher says handing you a yellow slip of paper.

Several whispers go threw the room as people continue to stare at you. You hesitantly take the hall pass not making eye contact with anybody and walk back out of the room.

As you slowly make your way to the nurse's office you think of all the possible things that could have made you sick. "Hayes did bring me that sushi and who knows where he had gotten it," you say under your breath, "but I'm wondering why after I puked my guts out I feel absolutely fine."

Shrugging your shoulders you walk into the office. "Hi. What's not feeling well?" the peppy nurse asks you. "I um threw up," you reply. "Okay well have a seat and I will call your parents so they can come pick you up," she says.

"Actually after I threw up I felt better so you really don't need to trouble her," you say knowing that you had a big test in math today and didn't want to have to come in early to make it up. "I understand that you are now feeling better, people usually do after throwing up, but school policies want me to call the guardian of a student to come get them after they throw up," she says.

Sighing in defeat you sit down on a hard plastic chair and start to pick at your nails while the nurse looks up your mom's phone number and calls her. "Hi Ms. Y/L/N. I have Y/N in the clinic with me right now. She threw up and needs to go home," she stops talking and instead listens as your mother speaks to her, "yes he can pick her up if you are unable to get here." You focus all of your attention on what the nurse was saying suddenly interested at the small hope that this mystery "he" could be you boyfriend Hayes Grier.

"Well tell him to come to the nurses office so that he can get her," she takes a breath once again listening to what your mother was saying, "Okay. Bye."

After hanging up the phone she turns to face you. "I'm gonna have someone from your class bring your book bag up here," she says. You give a slight nod remembering all of the disgusted looks people had given you before and after you puked.

Magcon Boys Imagine Book #2Where stories live. Discover now