Hayes Grier ( Requested )

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* Requested by Imthebae101. Hope you enjoy! *

Random one.

A/N: This was an idea that has been pouncing around in my head so I put it to use as the random one for you.

"We need to get some plastic cups," you whisper to your boyfriend as he stands in an isle packed with soda. "Okay I'll met you over there babe," he replies back to you giving you a kiss on the cheek. You blush and say, "Okay."

You start to push the buggy towards the paper and plastic isle. When you arrive you look at all of the different brands there are. Deciding on the Wal-Mart brand value pack you grab it and set it in the cart. You turn around only to smack right into someone's built chest.

"Oh sorry," you say stepping back and looking at the ground as your natural shy personality starts to come out. "Why are you saying sorry baby girl?" Hayes asks you. "Oh I bumped into you. Okay good," you say to yourself. "Huh?" Hayes asks confused. "I thought I had bumped into a stranger and I was about to freak out," you reply. "Ah gotcha. Well it was only me so no need to do that," he says. You shyly smile at the ground and say, "Yup. I know that now."

Hayes takes your hand in his and starts to push the buggy towards the check out. When you arrive Hayes starts to put the few items that you two had picked out onto the metal table.

A beautiful girl with long blonde hair and green eyes who looked to be around Hayes and your age looks up at you and then starts to scan your items with the machine. "Did you find everything you needed sir?" she asks Hayes completely ignoring you standing next to him. "Yes we did. Thank you," he replies emphasising the 'we' part.

She continues to scan the items tossing her hair to the side with her hand. She finally finishes and presses a couple of buttons on the machine. "That'll be twenty-seven dollars and forty-three cents," she says looking at Hayes with a big flirty smile while batting her eyelashes a little.

You feel yourself start to shrink. This girl who you think looks so much prettier than you was openly flirting with your boyfriend right in front of you and pretending that you didn't exist.

Hayes takes out his wallet and hands her his credit card. She purposely makes her hand touch his as she takes it from him. You instantly feel as if you can't breathe as you see Hayes smile politely at her.

You shuffle back and forth an your feet as you silently pray for her to hurry up. Finally the reseat comes out and she hands back the card wrapped up in the reseat. Hayes takes it and the bags in one hand grabbing your hand in his other one.

"Have a nice day," she calls after you two as you guys walk away.

You and Hayes silently walk out of the store and to his car. When you get there he puts the bags in the trunk then opens the passenger side door for you.

"There you go my lady," he says smiling a goofy grin at you. "Thank you," you whisper.

After you get into the car he closes the door behind you and goes over to the drivers side and gets in. He then starts up the car and says, "now here we go back to the house."

He carefully pulls out of the parking lot and on to the main road. As he's driving he rests his right hand on your thigh.

The car turns into a comfortable silence the only sound that couple be heard was the humming of the car engine.

Your thoughts drift to why Hayes had ever asked you out in the first place. Was it because he felt sorry for you? Was it because he knew that he could use you? Or was it simply because he knew that you liked him and he wanted a girlfriend so bad that he had settled on you?

You racing thoughts are interrupted by Hayes tapping his fingers on your thigh.

"Huh?" you ask Hayes snapping your head to look at him. "You were staring out the window frowning and when I asked you what was wrong you didn't answer," he replies. You nod your head telling him you understood what he was saying. "What were you thinking about?" he added.

"Oh umm nothing important," you reply your voice getting lower and lower with each word that you said.

"Y/N it was obviously something that upset you and if it made my baby girl uneasy I would like to know what it was," he says.

"It's just. When you asked me out did you really want to go out with me? Cause you could have any girl in the entire world and the drop of a hat. I mean I'm pretty ugly compared to other girls. And well don't you wish thay you were dating a girl who you could be proud of and show the world without her getting scared about it? I'm scared that you'll leave me when you find another girl who is more outgoing. What I'm saying I guess is how could a guy like you actually like a nobody like me?" you whisper and mumble all of this at the same time making it sound all jumbled up.

"Y/N listen to me. I'm gonna say this slowly and carefully and I really want you to listen to what I'm about to say. I love you. Since the first time we met at that meet and greet in ___________ ( fill in the blank with your home town's name ) and I gave you a real kiss after your best friend convinced you to ask me for a stage kisses right in front of me I have been in love with you. Your smile melts my heart. Your laugh is like music to my ears. Your shy personality continues to pull me in towards you making me want to know more about you. Your natural beauty is something that takes my breath away. Most girls have to try to look as beautiful as you do so effortlessly and still are not able to accomplish it most of the time. We will make it clear to the world that we are dating when you are ready to. I can wait however long that may be. You don't need to be scared of me leaving you for someone else because that will never happen. Not in a million years. I like you for being the amazing and wonderful person you are. You amaze me all the time and you have no idea that you do. I love you Y/F/N Y/L/N and nothing will make me stop. Okay?" Hayes asks looking over at you.

You nod your head as tears threaten to come out of your eyes. You always knew that Hayes was sweet but not this sweet.

"I'm gonna cry," you whisper barley audible. "There's no need for that baby girl. All I was doing was saying the truth," he replies squeezing your thigh.

"I love you Hayes," you say. "And I love you too baby girl," he replies smiling.

You guys continue to drive back to the house talking about what you two where planning on doing later in the day.

May 11 2017

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