Shawn Mendes ( Requested )

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* Requested by Mirandakay02. Hope you enjoy! *

Me and Shawn break up.

The way this imagine developed in my head was threw Shawn's P.O.V. so this whole imagine will be in his P.O.V.

Okay? Okay.

Shawn's P.O.V

"Damn it! It doesn't sound right!" I yell. My voice echoes threw the empty house.

My girlfriend Y/N and I have been going out for eleven months almost a full year. For her anniversary present I've been working on a song for her expressing how much I love her. I just can't seem to get the right tune that I want.

Placing my fingers back on my guitar again I strum a different chord. Bobbing my head up amd down I sing along but abruptly stop once again.

"What's wrong with me? I've never had thos much trouble writing a song before uhh," I say running my hand threw my already messy hair slightly pulling at it.

I set my guitar down in it's case. "Maybe I just need a break to refresh my mind," I say. With that I grab my jacket off of my bed post and walk into the bathroom.

I quickly glance in the mirror to make sure I looked presentable. The bad part of being a celebrity is that I always have to look good because I'm constantly being judged. No matter if I'm having a hard day or not I always have to look nice. Other teenage boys don't have to deal with this but of course I do.

After fixing my hair I grab my keys of the entry way table and walk out the front door locking it behind me.

I stuff my hands into my hoodies pocket and walk down the street. I had decided to grab a cup of coffee and a muffin from the Mom and Pop cafè a little ways from my house.

Walking with my head down trying not to draw attention to myself I kick a small rock as I walk getting lost in my thoughts.

If only Y/N knew how much I love her. If only there was some way to make her understand.

People think I'm some crazy love sick kid who happened to get famous on Vine. Those are all true statments but nobody understands exactly how true they are.

If Y/N left me I wouldn't know what to do. She's my whole world. I'd be lost without her.

A loud girlish squeal strips me from being in my head. I snap my head upwards to see two girls slightly jumping up and down while smiling still squealing.

I quickly put on my signature smile as they run up to me. "Y-You're Sh-Shawn Mendes!" one of the girls with brunette hair says with an ear piercing squeal.

"Hahaha I was last time I checked," I say still smiling. "Can I have a picture?" she asks surprisingly not stuttering this time she spoke.

"Can I also?" the other blonde haired girl who had been shyly standing next to me asks speaking up.

"Sure," I reply.

They take turns handing me their phones as I take a selfie with each of them then one with all three of us together.

"Thank you!" they squeal running away.

"He's even sexier in person!" I hear one of them say which only makes me laugh.

I then continue down the sidewalk hoping to stay invisible and not be recognized again.

Finally arriving at the cafe I put my hand on the door handle and pull it open. I walk in to see a familiar looking girl who immediately catches my attention sucking on a guys face.

Shocked I stand in the doorway feeling anger build up in me as I realize that this girl wasn't just any familiar looking girl. This girl was my precious Y/N.

My hands ball up into fists as I try to contain my anger. Shawn don't do this here. Walk away. I continue to watch them kiss. Walk away now Shawn! Do not cause a scene.

Listening to my conscience I turn on my heels and walk back out of the cafè. I quickly pull up the hood of my hoodie and bolt down the street back to my house.

All those early mornings at the gym finally paying off for something new. My legs pump taking me faster and faster down the sidewalk.

I finally reach my house. Still fuming I take my keys out of my pocket and unlock the door. After opening it I walk in and slam the door shut behind me. I let my back slide down the front door as I bury my face into my hands.

How could she do this to me? Did I not mean as much to her as she means to me?

God how could I be so stupid to date a fan? Of course she would find someone who wasn't famous to love. It was all just a stupid daydream to think ot could work.

I let tear after tear fall down my face until I regain the strength to stand up.
Once I'm back on my feet I run up the stairs and into my bedroom. I immediately grab all of the sheets I had written the most special song to me on and start to rip them to shreds.

I throw all of the small pieces of on the floor and grab my phone off of my nightstand. Quickly scrolling through my contacts I come across one labeled My Little Muffin 😍. I press the call button and she picks up on the second ring.

"Yellow?" I hear her ask. Even hearing her voice makes me want to cry. Why didn't I just text her?

"Is there anyone there?" her angelic voice says with more concern. Mustering up all the strength I had left I say, "Y/N it's me. Please come over. We need to talk. The doors unlocked. Just walk right in." With that I hang up and collapse onto my bed.

I try my best to collect myself as I wait for her to arrive but it didn't work since I heard her worried voice say, "baby what's wrong?" I shoot my head up from it being buried in my pillow to see her standing in my doorway.

"Why would you do that to me?" I ask not making eye contact with her. "Do what?" she whispers playing with the bracelet I had gotten her on my last trip to Italy. This was a nervous habit of her's so once her fingers reached for it I knew that she knew exactly what I meant.

"Cheat on me. Was I not enough for you?" I ask looking up at her my vision blurring as tears once again threatened to come out again.

"Shawn it wasn't like that," she says close to tears herself. I stand up and walk towards her saying, "then what was it Y/N? What can he offer you that I can't?"

"I-It see Shawn he was my best friend growing up a-and he moved away a couple of y-years ago. I-I ran into him at the cafè and it just hap-happened. I-I'm so s-sorry Shawn. P-Please forgive m-me," she says. I just stare at her in disbelief.

"If it just happened it can easily just happen again when I'm gone for months on tour," I say air quoting 'just happen'. "I p-promise it won't," she says.

"I can't believe you right now. I loved you. You were my whole world. And now it's all gone because you kissed someone else. Just go amd don't ever come back," I say slightly raising my voice without meaning to.

Y/N looks me in the eyes for a couple of seconds then whispers barely auditable, "I'm sorry Shawn." With that she walks out of my room and back out of my life.

I punch the wall closest to me with all of my strength sure to leave an indent.

"God I'm so stupid!" I yell my voice echoes threw the empty house once more.

Holy cow lots of feelings! I'm really proud of that imagine. What did you all think about it? I would really love to know.

May 13 2017

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