chapter one

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Darkness covered my vision. My head hitting a metal ground. I wince in pain bring my hands up, cradling my head. I heard a loud what almost seemed like a alarm. My eyes flicked up noticing a red flashing light. Once I saw how fast I was going I had to look down as I became nauseous. I groaned laying down on the cold floor, stretching my feet out to hit the other wall.

My breathing slowed as I calmed myself down. I curled up into a tight ball. The box stopped suddenly. Blinded by a sudden light I curled up tighter a growl rumbling in my throat. "What the...?" A British voice said softly confusion lacing each word. I heard a thump as someone jumped down into the box. I closed my eyes acting as if I was asleep. I felt a cold, soft hand touch my shoulder. It shook me slightly. "What is it?" A deep voice called down. "It's a girl." The boy said. He put a hand on my knee trying to undo the ball I curled myself into. I opened my brown eyes looking up at him. He jumped back not expecting my to open my eyes. I moved to the corner of the box hugging my knees to my chest. "A girl?!?" The deep voice gasped. I studied the boy who was in the box. He was a tall, lean boy. He was muscular too. Mousey blonde hair atop his head with eyes that looked like melted chocolate. He flashed me a smile. "It's okay." He said softly raising his hands as if he was walking up to a wild animal. I shifted back. "S-stay back." I said in a raspy voice. He crouched down to my height, tilting his head to the side. He held out a hand to me "It's okay nobody's gonna hurt ya." He grabbed my arm gently, pulling me to my feet. I jerk away from him, watching him with suspicious eyes. I crossed my arms over my chest, holding my shoulders.

The boy took a step back. "Name's Newt greenie. What's yours?" He asked in a sweet voice. I looked away casting my brown eyes down. "Hey Shank, when you gonna get her up here!" A annoying, impatient voice shouted down, making me flinch.

Newt rolled his eyes. "Slim it Gally!" He yelled. He took a step to me causing me to step back. He sighed "Stop moving and I can get you out of here. Would you like that?" He inquired like I was a little puppy. I nod slowly glancing up at him. He smiled "Good that. Come here." He held out his hand for me to take again.

I took his hand and he lead me to the edge of a box where there was a rope with a loop at the end. I looked at him, he just nods his head to the loop. I put my foot in and people started to pull me up.

Newt put his hands on me hips to keep me steady. "I'll be right behind you." He whispered

I grabbed onto the edge of the ground pushing myself​the rest of the way up. The boys through the rope down to Newt. I turned in a circle looking around. My heart started to pound as I saw the people.

All boys.

Newt got up and looked over at me as I sucked in deep breaths ' not again'. "You okay greenie?" He asked and with that I took off into the forest. I ran as fast as I could. Which was pretty fast, I learned to from running from the animals and boys of Neverland. I jumped up grabbing onto the branch of a massive pine. I heard the boys running behind me.

I pulled myself up high into the tree. I sat on the branch holding a pinecone in my hand. "Where'd she bloody go!" I heard Newt shout. I chuckled slightly. "Don't know Shank!" I heard the boy-Gally- say angrily obviously annoyed I got away. I saw him through the branches and threw the pinecone at him nailing him in the back of the head.

"Ow!" Gally exclaimed put a hand to his head, turning around. Newt chuckled smiling. I smirked triumphantly​.

Newt started to walk my way. I crouched some. "Come on down love!" He called up to me "I know your there!" I grabbed another pinecone. Throwing it down at him. He dodged. "Fine I'm coming up." He muttered to where I could barley hear him. He started climbing up. I sat down on my branch. "I'm not going down with you hope you know that." I uttered when he was almost beside me. He looked at me with his brown eyes. "Why not?" He placed his hand on mine. "I don't trust y'all that's why." I vocalized​ with a slight growl.

Newt pulled his hand away, hurt shining in his eyes. I shut my eyes, he looked like Tristan when I ran away. I pictured the red haired, green eyed boy, tears swelling up into my eyes. I threw my arms around Newt. "I'm sorry." I cried to him. "I didn't mean to hurt you." I felt him tense at first but soon relax. "Hey it's okay. I'm okay." He whispered petting my hair. I pulled back drying my eyes. "I'm sorry I left you!" I sobbed out. Newt looked confused"You didn't leave me...we just meet...your okay. I'm okay." He said softly. "I'm Shiloh." I said sticking my hand out to him. He took it smiling.

I started to climb down. "Come on Blondie, let's get down." I smiled and said Blondie teasingly. He rolled his eyes a smile graced his fair face. He climbed down. I stretched my limbs out. Newt put a arm around my shoulder to lead me the field. "Welcome to the Glade." He pronounced. A dark skinned boy walked up. "Newt who is this?" He voice echoed with authority. I looked down at my feet. "Alby this is Shiloh the greenie." I glanced up at him, flashing a soft smile. He nods "I'll give ya the tour tomorrow." He said before turning and walking away. Newt took his arm away from me. "He's the leader. I'm the second in command." He said. My jaw dropped "I throw a pinecone at the second in command." I muttered with a groan. He laughed. I smiled 'wow I love his laugh' I thought.

The boy Gally walked out if the woods anger etched every inch of his face. "You!" He roared pointing at me "What the shuck! You don't just through pinecones at people!" I looked at him with a hard glare matching his. "Fight me boy." I said with a snarl.

Gally smirked "Follow me." I started following him as he lead me to a ring in the Glade. "Let's fight girlie." I stepped into the ring. He came at me, I stepped to the side. I allowed memories to fuel me in this fight. ' Felix looked at me "Girls can't fight." He sneered slightly. I rolled my eyes with a snort. I punched him in the stomach, making him double over enough for me to knee his in the nose.' I pushed him away from me. He flexed his arms coming to me. I punched him in the nose, a slow trick of red trailed down his nose. Boys slowly appeared to watch. I glanced at Newt his eyes held concern. I gave him a smile. ' Tristan ran up to me with my best friend, Deven behind him. "Pan's looking for you!" Tristan said out of breath. I nod getting up. Pan sat there his beautiful eyes falling on me. "Yes Pan?" I ask in a sickeningly​ sweet voice. He smiled walking over to me. "Hello Songbird. Just wanted to see you." He said eyes darkening. I flinched back at his sudden touch on my cheek. He grabbed my hair pulling me to the cage that laid in the forest. "What did I do!?!" I cried in pain. "Don't think I haven't noticed you and Deven!" He said with a snarl. I looked at him with fear. "It's nothing! He's my best friend!" I sobbed. He throw me in the cage. He returned with Deven ripping his heart out and crushing it.'. I roared at Gally, kicking him anger flowing through me.

It ended with Gally on the ground and me sobbing at the memories. I turned away. Newt ran up to me wrapping his arms around me tightly. He ran his hand through my hair softly. "It's okay. What's wrong?" He asked. I rubbed my eyes. "Just memories." I muttered sucking in a breath. He looked at me pushing back, holding my shoulders. "You remember stuff?" He asked. I nodded confused. "Yeah. You don't?" He shook his head no. "I wish I did though." I shook my head. "Sometimes memories are the worst form of torture." I muttered. Newt nods some, frowning. He lead me to a place to sleep for tonight.

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