chapter seventeen

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Newt held Shiloh close, both asleep. A scream woke them both up, Alby. Shiloh sighed sadly. It was night time, Newt and Shiloh went to where Alby was. Thomas asked to see Alby but Newt refused, Shiloh covered her ears when ever Alby screamed.

Newt took Shiloh's hand, pulling her out of the room. He looked terrible, he looked like death. Shiloh saw they were heading towards Chuck and Thomas. Newt sat on the ground, pulling Shiloh down with him. "I think the worst part's over." Newt said. "The bugger should be sleepin' for a couple of days, then wake up okay. Maybe a little screaming now and then."

Shiloh nods her head, leaning against Newt's side, his arm wrapped around her. Thomas turned to the older boy. "Newt, what's he going  through up there? Seriously, I don't get that this Changing thing is." Newt's response was startling, causing Shiloh to shiver. "You think we do?" Newt spat, throwing his arms up then slapping them back down on his knees. Shiloh moved over some so she wouldn't get hit. "All we bloody know is if the Grievers sting you with their nasty needles, you inject the Grief Serum or you die. If you do get the Serum, then your body wigs out and shakes and your skin bubbles and turns a freaky green color and you vomit all over yourself. Enough explanation for ya there, Tommy?"

Thomas frowned. "Hey, I know it sucks to see your friend go through that, but I just want to know what's really happening up there. Why do you call it the Changing?" Newt relaxed, seemed to shrink, even, and sighed. "It brings back memories. Just little snippets, but definite memories of before we came to this horrible place. Anyone who goes through it acts like a bloody psycho when it's over—although usually not as bad as poor Ben. Anyway, it's like being given your old life back, only to have it snatched away again.

Shiloh sighed as Newt finished telling Thomas about the changing a shudder running through her body. "Are you sure?" Thomas asked. Newt looked confused, chocolate eyes fixed on Thomas. "What do you mean? Sure about what?" He asked him. "Are they changed because they want to go back to their old life, or is it because they're so depressed at realizing their old life was not better than what we have now?" Newt stared at him for a second, then looked away, seemingly deep in thought. "Shanks who've been through it'll never really talk about it. They get... different. Unlikable. There's a handful around the Glade, but I can't stand to be around them." His voice was distant, his eyes having strayed to a certain blank spot in the woods. Thomas knew he was thinking about how Alby might never be the same again. Shiloh wrapped her arms around the blonde boy in comfort. "Tell me about it." Chuck chimed in. "Gally's the worst of em all."

Shiloh shot him a glare. "Anything new on the girl?" She asked, changing the subject. "I saw the med-jacks feeding her upstairs." Thomas added. "No." Newt answered. "Still in the buggin' coma, or whatever it is. Every once in a while she'll mumble something—nonsense, like she's dreaming. She takes the food, seems to be doing all right. It's kinda weird." He finished. A long pause followed, the four of them trying to come up with a explanation for the girl.

Newt finally broke the silence. "Anyway, next up—figure out what we do with Tommy here." Thomas perked up at that, confused by the statement. "Do with me? What're you talking about?" Newt stood, stretched is arms out. "Turned this whole place upside down, you bloody shank. Half the Gladers think you're God, the other half wanna throw your butt down the box hole. Lotta stuff to talk about." Shiloh soon stood up as Thomas asked. "Like what?" Shiloh looked at him. "Patience." She said softly. "You'll find out after the wake-up." Thomas looked confused. "Tommorow? Why?" He asked. "I've called a Gathering. And you'll b there. You're the only buggin' think on the agenda." Newt said. With that he turned and walked away.

Shiloh walked away to go see Aquata and see how she was doing. "Hey." She greeted the Galaxy eyed girl. She turned her head to gaze at her. "Hey Shy." The girl grinned. "Aquata can you keep a secret?" She asked, she's been dying to tell someone. "Of course." Aquata told her, sitting up more. "I remember...the dreams I've been having are a way of communicating from people in my past life, my life before I came here. I don't have to be afraid of them... They were my friend, my son while kinda...and my old love." Shiloh looked down before looking back up. Shock clouded Aquata's face. "Really?" She asked. "What are their names?" Her voice held slight concern. "My Friend is Felix. My son is Tristan and my love is Peter Pan." Aquata let out a quiet gasp at the last name, knowing him. 

Shiloh shrugged. "I'll see you later it's time for sleep." She hugged her best friend getting one back in return. Aquata staring blankly ahead of her. Shiloh walked out going to her sleeping bag. She laid down as darkness soon clouded her vision.

~ dream~

Shiloh woke up, smiling slightly. "Peter! Tristan! Felix!" She called out with a giggle, for once happy to see the people she knew. Some memories were cloudy mostly the bad ones. "Right here love." A British voice said behind her. She spun around, hugging the green eyed boy much to his shock. The others soon appeared and she hugged them too.

~ end of dream~.

That night what Shiloh didn't know was that Peter was trying to find a way to her. He wanted his lost girl back. He wanted his Songbird.

Yay!!!! Update hey I was thinking about the next chapter being some of her memories from Neverland. What do you think?

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