chapter eight

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I felt something shift around me. I opened my eyes with a groan. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you." Newt whispered. I looked over at him, it was hard him it was so dark. "Why are you up?" I asked in a tired voice. He looked at me. "I was going to see the greenie." Newt said in a quiet voice so he didn't wake anyone up. "I'm coming." I declare. He shook his head and opened his mouth. "You know better then to argue with me." I shushed him. He rolled his chocolate eyes at me.

Newt crouched down, shaking Thomas, he was really close to him. He went to open his mouth, but Newt placed his hand over it to keep it shut. "Shh, Greenie. Don't want to be wakin' Chuckie, now, do we?" Newt said in a hushed voice. Thomas nodded his head, his eyes speaking for him 'yes' they said. Newt took his hand away then leaned back on his heels. I waved to Thomas as he noticed me. "Come on, Greenie." The tall boy whispered, standing straight up. Newt reached down and helped Thomas to his feet. "Supposed to show ya somethin' before the wake-up." Blondie said. Oh I forgot about this. I was tempted to turn back and go to sleep, but I stayed with them. "Okay." Thomas said simply, ready to go. Thomas leaned over and slipped his shoes on. "Where are we going?" He asked. "Just follow me. And stay close." Newt said.

We snuck our way through tightly strewn pack of sleeping bodies. I slowly stepped over Dan's body, a snore escaping his lips. Thomas almost tripped several times now, I had to grab his arm to keep him steady. The boy stepped on someone's, I couldn't tell who's, hand, earning a cry of pain and I heard someone hit him. "Sorry." Thomas whispered. Newt shot him a dirty look. I lightly hit his shoulder.

Once we left the lawn area and stepped onto the the hard gray stone courtyard, Newt broke into a run, heading to the western wall. Thomas was hesitant at first but ran after him. I followed them. The light of dawn was dim, but any obstructions loomed as darker shadows and he was able to make his way quickly along. I looked around at the beautiful sky.

 Thomas and Newt stopped but I didn't realize as I ran into Thomas's back. I mumbled a apology. Thomas looked at the wall, I crossed my arms, a hand rising to my mouth to muffle a yawn. "What are those?" He whispered in a kind loud voice. Newt was standing in front of a think ivy curtain. "When you bloody need to know, you'll know, Greenie." Newt told Thomas. "Well, it's kind of stupid to send me to a place where nothing makes sense and not answer my questions." Thomas paused, his face twisting with surprise at what he said. "Shank." He added sarcastically. Newt started laughing, making me smile happily. He cut off his laugh. "I like you, Greenie. Now shut it and let me show ya something." He said as he spread several vines away from the wall of ivy, a dust-frosted window was shown. It was dark as if it was painted black. I moved in between the two boys. "What're we looking for?" Thomas whispered as he looked at Newt then me. "Hold your undies, boy. One'll be coming along soon enough " Newt said causing me to giggle.

A minute or two passed. Then several more. I leaned against Newt, eyes heavy with sleep. Thomas was fidgeting on his feet but Newt stayed perfectly still, staring into the darkness. Then it changed. Glimmers of an eerie light shone through the window; it cast a wavering spectrum of colors on Newt's body and face, as if he stood next to a lighted swimming pool. I looked up at boy's face watching the light. "Out there's the maze." Newt whispered, eyes wide as if in a trance. "Everything we do—our whole life, Greenie—revolves around the Maze. Every lovin' second of every lovin' day we spend in honor of the maze, tryin' to solve something that's not shown us it has a bloody solution, ya know? And we want to show ya why it's not to be messed with. Show ya why them buggin' walls close shut every night. Show ya why you should never, never find your butt out there." Newt stepped back, still holding the ivy. I gestured for him to step up to the window.

Thomas leaned forward until his nose touched the surface of the glass. I heard his breath catch in his throat. I peeked over his shoulder. A large, bulbous creature the size of a cow but no distinct shape twisted and seethed along the ground in the corridor. A Griver. It climbed the opposite wall, then leaped at the thick-glass window with a loud thud. I jumped to Newt with a whimper. They still scared me. Thomas shrieked, jerking away from the window. Thomas sucked in two huge breaths and leaned in again. It was too dark to make out clearly, but odd lights flashed from an unknown source, revealing blurs of silver spikes and glistening flesh. Wicked instrument-tipped appendages protruded from it's body like arms: a saw blade, a set of shears, long rods whose purpose could only be guessed.

I hide my face in Newt's side. Thomas stepped back. "What is that thing?" Thomas asked, looking over at us. "We call them Griveres." I told Thomas. "Nasty bugger, eh? Just be glad the Griveres only come out at night. Be thankful for these walls." Newt said looking at Thomas. Thomas swallowed making a noise. Newt turned back to the window, absently. "Now you know what bloody lurks in the maze, my friend. Now you know this isn't joke time. You've been sent to the Glade, Greenie, and we'll be expectin' ya to survive and help us do what we've been sent here to do." I looked up at the tall boy. "And what that?" Thomas asked, tilting his head. Newt turned look him dead in the eye. The first day of dawn crept up on us, we could see every detail of Newt's face, his skin tight, his brow creased. "Find our way out, Greenie." Newt said. "Solve the buggin' maze and find our way home."

A couple hours later the doors opened. Minho who was already running out then I saw Aquata. She was my best friend. Aquata was beautiful with honey blonde hair and the most stunning Galaxy eyes. They held every color. Her and Gally are together. I watched Gally walk Aquata to the door, kissing her softly as she headed out into the maze. I hope her and Minho stay safe. I walked to breakfast, thanking Frypan. I sat down across from Thomas, watching as he picked at the eggs and bacon. Chuck was sitting by Thomas. The poor boy kept trying to talk to him, but Thomas didn't respond. Alby walked up behind him, tapping his shoulder. "Ain't you lookin' fresh?" Alby said. "Get a nice view out the window this morning?" Thomas stood up, looking at Alby. "Enough to make me want to learn about this place." He said. Alby nodded. "Me an you, shank. The tour begins now." Alby started to move but stopped, holding up a finger. "Ain't no questions till the end, you get me? Ain't got time to jaw with you all day." He said. I looked up at the Greenie and leader, eating my food. "But.." Thomas started but stopped when Alby's eyebrows shot up. "But tell me everything. I wanna know everything." Thomas player it off. "I'll tell ya what o wanna tell ya, Greenie. Let's go." Alby said about to walk away again. "Can I come?" Chuck asked, still at the table. Alby flicked Chuck's ear. "Ow!" Chuck shrieked. I giggled softly as Newt sat by me. "Ain't you got a job, slinthead?" Alby asked him. "Lots of sloppin' to do?" I sighed sadly, poor Chuck. Chuck rolled his eyes then looked at Thomas. "Have fun." He told the older boy. "I'll try." He said pity in his voice. He walked away with Alby as the tour began.  Me and Newt finished, heading to the gardens to work.

Yay I got my book back.
Thanks again to Roryroo for letting me add her Oc! 💖💖

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