chapter fourteen

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Thomas was in the garden to day, working his butt off. Zart was with him, he was a tall, black haired kid. Shiloh was sitting by Newt, weeding the carrots while Thomas and Zart weeded the corn. "So, Zart." She heard Thomas say. "Yeah, Greenie, what you want?" Zart questioned. Shiloh couldn't help but giggle. "How many Keepers total are there? And what are the job options?" Thomas asked. 'poor Zart' Shiloh thought. "Well, you got the builders, the sloppers, baggers, cooks, map-makers, med-jacks, track-hoes, blood housers. The runners of course. I don't know, a few more, maybe. Pretty much keep yo myself and my own stuff." The Keeper replied. "What's a slopper?" Thomas asked. "That's what the shanks do that can't do nothin' else. Clean toilets, clean the showers, clean the kitchen, clean up the Bloody House after a slaughter, everything. Spend one day with them suckers—that'll cure any thought of goin' that direction, I can tell you that." She heard a response. "What about the Track-hoes?" He asked. "They're the ones take care of all the heavy stuff for the Gardens. Trenching and whatnot. During off time they do other stuff round the Glade. Actually, a lot of Gladers have more then one job. Anyone tell you that?" Zart said. Thomas seemed to ignore him. "What about the Baggers? I know they take care of dead people, but it can't happen that often, can it?" He asked him. "Those are the creepy fellas. They act as guards and poh-lice, too. Everyone just likes to call em Baggers. Have fun that day, brother." Zart snickered, something very likable about the sound.

It was about mid-afternoon. Shiloh was at the kitchen with Newt. Thomas walked over to Chuck, who was a bit away from the two track-hoes, biting into a Apple as he sat by Chuck. Newt was chewing on his fingernails, causing the girl to sigh. "What's wrong with him?" Chuck asked. "Looks like you did when you popped out of the Box." He said to Thomas. "I don't know." Thomas replied. "Why don't you go ask him." He said. "I can hear every bloody word you guys are saying." Newt called in a loud voice. "No wonder people hate sleepin' next to you shanks." Shiloh laughed softly. "What is wrong with you?" Chuck asked. "No offense, but you look like klunk." Shiloh rolled her eyes. "Every lovin' thing in the universe." Newt said then fell silent, staring off into space. "The girl from the Box. Keeps groanin' and saying all kinds of weird stuff, but won't wake up. Med-Jack's doing their best to feed her, but she's eatin' less each time. I'm tellin' ya, something's very bad about the whole bloody thing." Newt continued. Shiloh looked at him. He sighed. "But that's not what really has me buggin'" She looked at him. "Then what does?" Chuck asked. Newt's eyes narrowed as he looked towards the entrance of the Maze. Shiloh then knew what he was thinking. "Alby, Aquata and Minho." He muttered. "They should've come back hours ago." She suddenly felt fear, run through her body.

Soon it was back to work. Shiloh watched the West Gate as much as she could. Newt could feel her concern, it came off her in waves. He grabbed her hand, giving it a squeeze. She looked at him, a pink dusting her cheeks. She bite her lip, turning back to the entrance to the Maze.

That night dinner proved to be a somber affair, and it had nothing to do with the food. Frypan and his cooks served up a grand meal of steak, mashed potatoes, green beans and hot rolls. Frypan was a fantastic cook but everyone joked about his cooking anyway. All the Gladers ate like dead men resurrected for one last meal before being sent to live with the devil.

The Runners returned at thirt normal time. Shiloh and Newt ran Door to Door as they entered the Glade, not bothering to hide theirs panic. But Aquata, Alby and Minho never showed up. Newt made the other Gladers go get food but he insisted on standing watch for the trio. Shiloh refused to leave his side, earning a soft glare from the boy, but anyone could tell he was greatful for the company. Newt and Shiloh were at the West door, the boy pacing, running his hands through his hair. Shiloh looked over and saw Thomas and Chuck walking up. "Where are they?" Newt said, his voice thin and strained. "Why don't we send out a search party?" Thomas suggested. "Bloody he—" Shiloh started, mocking the boy she used to know from her second home. Newt closed his eyes, taking a deep breath, cutting off the girl. "We can't. Okay? Don't say it again. One hundred percent against the rules. Especially with the buggin' Doors about to close." The blonde said. "But why?" Thomas persisted. "Won't the Grievers get them if they stay out there? Shouldn't we do something?" Shiloh was growing angry. "Shut up!" She yelled. Newt turned on the boy, his face red and eyes flamed with fury. "Shut your hole, Greenie!" He yelled. "Not a bloody week you've been here! You think I wouldn't risk my life in a second to save those lugs?" Shiloh was taken back at the boy's outbreak. "No....I....sorry. I didn't mean...." Thomas didn't know what to say. Newt's face softened. "You don't get it yet, Tommy. Going out there at night is beggin' for death. We'd just be throwin' more lives away. If those shanks don't make it back...." He paused. Shilob felt tears pricking her eyes. 'No Aquata made it out there before.... she'll be fine... she'll protect them...' The girl thought. "The three of em swore a oath, just like we did." He gestured to him and Shiloh. "You, too, when you go to your first Gathering and get chosen by a Keeper. Never go out at night. No matter what. Never." He finished. Shiloh hugged her arms around her. Thomas looked at Chuck he was as pale-faced as Newt and Shiloh. "Newt won't say it." The smaller boy said. "so I will. Of they're not back, it means they're dead. Minho and Aquata are to smart to get lost. Impossible. They're dead." Shiloh felt a tear fall. Chuck started walking back to the Homestead, head low. "The shank's right." Newt said solemnly. "That's why we can't go out. We can't afford to make things bloody worse than they already are." Shiloh started to cry more. "B-but Aqu-Aquats has survived ou-out there." She muttered. Newt looked at the girl sadly. He put his hand on Thomas's shoulder, then letting it fall to his side . Tears filled Newt's eyes. Thomas was sure that even within the dark chamber of memories that were locked away, out of his reach, he'd never seen someone look so sad. "The Doors close in two minutes." Newt said. A loud bolm sounded from all directions, startling Thomas and Shiloh. The Doors were closing for the night.

Shiloh's head fell. Something stirred inside the Maze, she moved back waiting to see a Griever. But three forms took shape. Her head snapped up her brown eyes wide. Minho and Aquata were supporting Alby on their shoulders. "They got him!" Minho shouted, voice strangled and weak from exhaustion. Shiloh was stunned before she yelled.  "Newt!" The girl yelled. "They're coming! I can see em!" She yelled with a smile. Newt was the Homestead but hearing the girl's tell he spun around and broke into a stuttering run towards the Door.

Shiloh turned back to the Maze, dread coursing through her veins. Alby slipped from their hold, falling to the ground. Thomas and Shiloh watched as Minho tried desperately to get him on his feet, Aquata glanced at Shiloh. The older girl looking worried for once, her Galaxy eyes locking onto her brown ones. One message in them 'don't even try to help. Stay safe' The two finally got gave up and started to drag Alby across the stone floor by the arms. 
But they were still a hundred feet away.
Shiloh turned to Newy he was only half way there. They had no chance of making it in time. She looked back into the Maze, at the closing wall. Only a few feet more and it'd be over. Minho stumbled, falling to the ground. They weren't going to make it. Timd was up. That was it. Thomas heard Newt scream something from behind him. "Don't do it, Tommy! Don't you bloody do it!" Aquata picked Minho up by the arm, shoving him. He feel into the Glade. Thomas moved forward. He squeezed past the connecting rods at the last second. Shiloh reached for him but the walls slammed shut. "No!!" The girl screamed, banging her fist against the Door. "Aquata! Alby! Tom cat!" She yelled. She pounded until her fist became bloody. She cried and screamed, wanting her friends and 'sister' back. Minho looked up at her, tired. He pulled her down into his lap, cradling her in his arms. Newt frowned as he got over, looking at her fist. "No, no, no." She muttered over and over. A fireish glow admitting from her hands. A small spark danced above her clinched fists. Her magic was almost gone from being in a nonmagical world but she had a little bit.

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