Chapter three

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I yawned, blinking my eyes open. Today the new greenie arrived. I stood up, stretching my stiff body. The alarm sounded, I turned my head to the Glade. I walked out and got in line for food. We have about a half an hour till the box got here, so why rush? I sat by Newt and Minho, "Hey Shank." Minho said nudging my side. I groan in response, my eyes heavy with sleep. Last night was terrible nightmares​ waking me each time I closed me eyes.

Newt looked at me sweetly. "Are you good Love?" He asked concern in each word. I nod making a slight purr sound. Chuck walked over sitting across from me. "Hey Chuck." I said with a yawn. The younger boy smiled at me causeing me to smile back. I leaned on Newt lazily.

After breakfast we stood walking to the Box. I stood near the back, Newt didn't want me to get hurt by violent greenies. Sometimes they fight to get away from them. I crossed my arms over my chest, eyes watching lazily. I stifled a yawn as I waited. Some boys where still working, but I decided to get there fifteen minutes before it came up. I jumped up and down, pulling my knees up to my shoulders. Minho walked by me, he watched me jump once before laughing a bit. I glared at him.

"What ya Slinthead?" I said playfully growling. He shook his head chuckling. He walked up slinging a arm around me. "Just came to say see ya later." He said walking with me to the Maze entrance. Well more of guiding me. I nod leaning against him. "See ya around Minho." I said going on my toes to ruffle his hair. He swatted at my hands with a disapproving face. He kissed my forehead before running into the Maze. That boy was the closest thing I have to a brother. I turned walking slowly to the Box.

I sat down by it waiting, waiting and waiting. I threw myself back, looking up at the sky. I closed my eyes snuggling into the grass. A shadow appeared over my eyes, blocking out the sun. I opened my eyes to see Newt leaning over me. "Come on up, love the Box should be here any second." He said holding out his hand. I took his cold hand into my warm one, allowing him to pull me up.

The box arrived. The heavy grating sound went through the air as they opened the double doors. The boys started talking.
"Look at that Shank."
"How old is he?"
"Looks like a klunk in a t-shirt."
"You're the klunk, shuck-face."
"Dude, it smells like feet down there!"
"Hope you enjoyed the one-way ticket, Greenie."
"Ain't no ticket back, bro."
I rolled my eyes desperately wanting to yell at them to slim it. One of them lowered a rope down to the greenie. I stood on my toes, peering over their shoulders trying to see the boy. The pulled him up. Hands reaching down to grab him. I gave up trying to see going down one my feet. "Nice to meet ya, shank." Someone said. I didn't bother figure out who it was. "Welcome to the Glade." I smiled softly thinking about what the new greenie would be like.

From Neverland to the GladeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora